Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Andrew Bartzis Insights of 'CHANNELING'

 - Andrew's Insights -

When it comes to channeling, if you’re a healed individual that’s done their own healing, that knows your heart space discernment, channeling is not a bad thing. But what is a bad thing is there’s parts of our reality that are meant to trap you as a channel in enlightenment traps. Light beings and dark beings who want this static reality so they can finish their karmic resolution on the macro scale, and they don’t give a damn about our free will if we have to do another 1,000 years of it because they’re the macro and we’re the micro.
So, channeling, what does that really mean? It means you are opening yourself up to the energies of another entity. Are you allowing that entity to take over you? Well, if you are, you are changing your experience of reality and giving that being that experience here. That is not a bad thing unless you understand the true heart space of that being. Question it. Ask it where it’s from. Ask it what its’ true name is. If it cannot answer those things, tell it to go away. And if it continues to return and doesn’t answer those fundamental questions of “Who are you? Where are you? Are you a loved based entity?” Tell it to go away.
When it begins to answer all those fundamental questions that you need to identify who and what it is, then begin communication. But I advise you to use your cell phone recorder. Ask questions, so that the question is played off your cell phone, and then you record, again, your answer, so there’s a stop-start, stop-start, stop-start, so you are guaranteeing yourself that what’s going on is a true communication from the entity to you because it is very easy to get hijacked by local entities whose purpose is to keep you in the system of domination control. The system of domination control is quite literally sacred geometry cities that are dream catcher cities, energy collection cities, that are meant to keep you in the facade and not the real reality.

  • “So, channeling, what does that really mean? It means you are opening yourself up to the energies of another entity… And if it continues to return and doesn’t answer those fundamental questions of “Who are you? Where are you? Are you a loved based entity?” Tell it to go away.”
  • - Andrew Bartzis