Wisdom Teachings with David Wilcock - NASA's Quiet Disclosure Part 1

In this episode of Wisdom Teachings, David Wilcock gets into further detail of 9/11 truth, and delves into two other subjects expected to be a part of the partial disclosure narrative. These are the lights seen on the surface of the planetoid, Ceres, as well as a mysterious plume discovered on the surface of Mars.
Along with these topics, Wilcock gets
real on the subject of our ability to accept new ideas, and our need as
evolving souls to achieve a certain level of mental flexibility in
order to progress. For our discussion in this article, lets start with the fiction, and the truth of the 9/11 story.
What's Wrong with the Official 9/11 Theory?
As many of us may be aware, the
official story behind the attacks on September 11 is riddled with holes so
big you could drive a flat-bed truck through them. One prime example of such holes is the apparent radiation sickness
of over 1,000 first responders to the scene of the twin towers after
the attacks took place. This topic is even covered in mainstream news
outlets. However, the topic is typically overlooked and dismissed as just another random detail which the mainstream theory explains. Lets take a look.
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