Monday, May 9, 2016

Tom Heneghan Update - May 8, 2016

Sunday   May 8, 2016
Bush-Clinton-Obama-Romney Worldwide Financial Ponzi Scheme Totally Exposed
by Tom Henegan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America   -   It can now be reported that the collusion between the Bush-Clinton-Obama-Mitt Romney crooked bank alleged ISIS (a British MI6 entity) has allowed Saudi Arabia and Iran to control 80% of what is now a black market oil consortium, which allows the alleged terrorist organization ISIS to buy oil at $20 barrel.

This allows crooked worldwide banks, including Citibank, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Bank of New York Mellon and the noted Nazi German Deutsche Bank, to roll over worthless derivatives reference I.O.U.s between each other as collateral to rig worldwide financial markets with no real collateral or margin as a basis for their worldwide financial ponzi scheme.

At this hour, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine Lagarde has frozen crooked foreign currency Danish kroner based accounts tied to the Bank of England and other crooked worldwide banks that have been tied to the theft of both U.S. and French Treasury funds based on the Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols.

The financial Armageddon, which is about to strike the worldwide financial markets is not only based on Bush-Clinton-Romney Danish kroner foreign currency fraud but also dovetails to the imminent collapse of both the Chinese and Japanese bond markets at the same time giving the outstanding loans between each other that cannot be repaid with the criminal Bush-Clinton-Romney-Federal Reserve holding the bag.

Note:  What we have here is a massive liquidity crisis created on negative interest rates that will implode on the whole worldwide economy unless there is a major action immediately to freeze the stolen funds enabled by the criminal worldwide banks who have done this for the benefit of the Bush-Clinton-Romney "Skull and Bones" Mormon Church Crime Family Syndicate cabal.

In closing, it is time, it is now, there can be no delay!
At this hour, we live free or die.
- - -

May 8, 2016

American Elites In "Terror" As "Countdown Of Doom" Murder Toll Rises

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A stunning new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that America’s ruling oligarchs are presently in a state of “total/complete” terror over fears that their most abhorrent sexual deviancies (including sex with children) will soon be released from four anonymous computer servers scattered around the world attached to a “countdown of doom” 72-hour timer that just last week US “black/covert” intelligence operatives attempted to discover the whereabouts of, but ended up killing a prominent attorney instead. [Note: Words appearing in quotes are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, in the early 1990’s, a powerful Wall Street billionaire financier named Jeffrey Epstein (who is a close personal friend of President William Clinton) financed a blackmail-prostitution operation in Washington D.C. and put in charge of it a woman named Deborah Palfrey (aka D.C Madam), who, before her murder in 2008, had managed to document her over 800 clients into a “black book” that, also, named the US government agencies and large corporations they worked for that included the FBI, State Department, Department of Commerce, Department of Health and Human Services, IRS and US Coast Guard.

In March of 2005, this report continues, the Epstein-D.C. Madam blackmail-prostitution criminal organization began to crumble when Epstein was accused of molesting a girl child in Florida, which began an 11 month investigation of him by local police authorities that led to criminal charges being filed against him and his pleaded not guilty to them in August, 2006.

As the evidence against Epstein proved he was the mastermind behind a vast child sex ring using minor girl children as slaves that serviced many of America’s  and Britain’s elites, this report notes, many were stunned by the only one charge filed against him, but which SVR intelligence analysts state in their report was due his “giving up/turning against” his partner, the D.C. Madam.

On 18 April 2008, the D.C. Madam was convicted of her crimes and faced up to 8 years in prison, this report continues, but two weeks later, on 1 May 2008, was found dead in what police authorities said was a suicide, but which the overwhelming evidence of proved she was murdered.

Epstein, however, this report says, pled guilty to the single charge against him in June, 2008, receiving a paltry 18 month prison sentence, of which he served only 13 months of in what many legal experts called a “sweetheart deal”.  

As to why Epstein was treated so “gently/kindly” by the police authorities for his monstrous crimes against the girl children he kept as sex slaves, this report explains, was due to his, and the D.C. Madam’s, client list he kept hidden—but didn’t benefit the D.C. Madam whose same client list was seized by a US Court who put it under orders for it to never be released.
For the past eight years, however, this report continues, the D.C. Madams attorney, Montgomery Blair Sibley, has fought against the US Court’s sealing of this “black book” stating that the American people had a right to know the names it contained, and which he alleges could have profound effects on the 2016 presidential election.

Attorney Montgomery Sibley (left) and Deborah Palfrey (aka D.C. Madam) in 2006

And so enraged has attorney Sibley become over the years of his fight to release this “black book” (and that has nearly destroyed his professional and personal life), this report notes, on 31 March, he publically announced to the American oligarchs that he put his own copy of this “black book” onto four computer servers around the world that contain a 72-hour “doomsday clock”, and that if not reset would see this information sent immediately to news organizations around the world.

Aiding attorney Sibley in his plot to expose this “black book”, SVR intelligence analysts in this report say, were attorney Gary Welsh and American investigative journalist Wayne Madsen.

With Madsen having worked already on attempting to expose the full magnitude of the Epstein-D.C. Madam blackmail-prostitution organization, and knowing of the retaliation to come, this report continues, attorney Welsh, however, was new to this plot—and paid for his inexperience last week on 1 May (the 8th anniversary of the D.C. Madams murder) when he was discovered dead in a hallway of his apartment building by a gunshot to his head, and which he cryptically warned about in his last blog posting, two days before he was murdered, wherein he said: “If I'm not around to see the vote results, my prediction is that Trump wins Indiana…”

One day after attorney Welsh was murdered, on 2 May, this report concludes, the US Supreme Court denied attorney Sibley’s final appeal to them for the release of the D.C. Madams “black book”—and to which attorney Sibley replied that he might risk prison and release this “black book” anyway, or if he’s killed it would assuredly happen as no one would be left alive to reset its “doomsday clock”.

DULY ELECTED President Albert Gore Jr.

awaits inauguration, our U.S. Constitution that is

the Supreme Law of the United States demands it!

As we live free or die, Lafayette remains at Brandywine and
Albert Gore Jr. remains the year 2000,
U.S. Constitution DULY ELECTED, non-inaugurated,
natural born REAL President of the United States.

Al Gore on Restoring the Rule of Law