Via Scribd
For one seeking enlightenment in the form of new enhanced consciousness and enlarged perceptive faculty, be prepared to divest yourself of all past preconceptions and thought-habits and, with childlike meekness and docility, surrender the mind to the reception of some novel and unexpected truths.

Mass-cancellation electrogravitics (antigravity) vehicles are real, and have been used for over 50 years in this country. A program has been run by a relatively small group of people (1500) from the CIA/NSA (MJ-12 or Majestic) without the knowledge or consent of the President or Congress. The operating funds have been siphoned from other government projects and the importation of drugs (narcotics, cocaine, and marijuana).
The ‘war on drugs’ has been an illusion. A CIA ‘black-ops’ operation called the “Enterprise” has been deep into all aspects of drug production and importation. President Nixon announced the “war on drugs” in 1971 when the media started uncovering the evidence of heavy opium usage by servicemen in Vietnam. They were dying from overdoses of drugs provided by a part of our own government.
There are programs within the United States government that currently fly antigravity vehicles which can exceed the speed of light. The knowledge necessary to create these ‘antigrav’ vehicles comes from extraterrestrials and ancient sacred documents. Antigravity technology was developed in Germany by the Vril Society in 1922. Many of the personnel working on that technology were brought to the United States under operation “Paper Clip” to further develop it after World War II.
When traveling by antigravity, mass and energy are exchanged he faster the relative speed, the less mass there is. The speed of light is not a constant.
President Truman set up a “black ops” program called ‘Grudge’ to be independent of the executive branch of the federal government to allow for plausible deniability in matters of national security, specifically when dealing with extraterrestrial life forms. Neither the President nor Congress has had the authority to investigate any of their activities since then. It has had a number of names throughout the years, but the most common have been Majestic, Magic, MJ-12; a branch of Naval intelligence.
This secrecy was believed to be necessary because the populace wouldn’t be able to handle the unfolding issues first encountered in 1947. A test of our reactions revealed it was almost all bad (97%). The reactions were of two types:
- shoot first and ask questions later, or
- call it the Antichrist or the work of the Devil. The clergy reaction was worse than the general public and strangely scientists weren’t far behind. Both groups saw this information as a threat.
Our timeline was altered by the arrival of the Small Greys (timeline 2 Greys) near Roswell, New Mexico, July 2, 1947.They came to help us avoid making the same mistake that they had made which threw them into an alternate reality. They also wanted to save themselves and us by creating a new viable hybrid species that would survive the coming changes. In their timeline, they destroyed their planet surface in a self-induced nuclear global cataclysm and they survived underground. They lost their ability to reproduce and adapted by genetic manipulation. They returned to the surface many tens of thousands of years later to find that they had changed timelines. They could see that we were following the same path and wished to learn from the experience. We both have Vegan heritage. They predicted a future Earth cataclysm for the period 2011-2013.
Two aircraft were involved that were of extraterrestrial origin. The ‘Antigrav’ vehicles were hit with high energy radar with embedded twin tornadoes in the middle of a thunderstorm. They crashed into each other. There were five beings in each craft.
The vehicle recovered in 1947 was from a system in the Large Megellanic Cloud called Andromeda. It was a shuttle craft on routine assignment. The accident was pilot error. The craft was part of a contingent of ships attached to a starship which was passing through our solar system. It had slowed to sub-light as it approached our Moon. The shuttle was sent down to pick up some soil and air samples from a nuclear test site. The pilot had only made 2-3 previous landings and never on a planet with such a thick atmosphere. He approached Earth too fast and was buffeted out of control after his craft slammed into a thunderstorm.
All of the aliens died except one called EBE. EBE was discovered wandering around in the desert near Roswell sometime after the crash. EBE was an ‘Orange’ ET. The Oranges are from the Andromedan star system. The other ship had Zeta Greys from Zeta Reticulii of the Orion system. EBE stands for Extraterrestrial Biological Entity. EBE was kept at a secure underground facility. He told us of an impending cataclysmic event.
He got sick in early 1952. We didn’t know what was wrong with him and he couldn’t tell us. We called in a botanist because we thought his metabolism was chlorophyll (plant) based. He only had a rudimentary alimentary canal. We didn’t realize that he lived off electromagnetic energy. We sent out a distress call.
He died June 18, 1952. The movie “E.T.,The Extra-Terrestrial” was a fictional account of EBE.
Over the period 1942 through the early 1950’s the United States intentionally shot down a lot of alien aircraft from the Ancharan Alliance and they (the ET’s) were becoming concerned that human earthlings had developed a technology which was on a par with their own and believed that war was inevitable. It was only by of an intercession of the Anunnaki that we weren’t annihilated.
In 1953 astronomers discovered large objects in space moving toward Earth. The initial concern was that we were seeing asteroids, but when they got closer they started slowing down and changing directions. We started intercepting alien radio transmissions. When they reached the Earth they took up a very high geosynchronous orbit around the equator. There were several huge ships and their intent was unknown.

This 2002 crop circle message reads , “Beware the bearers of false gifts and broken promises. Much pain; but there is still time. Believe. There is still good out there. We oppose the deceivers.”
Using computer binary language we were able to make contact with them. This resulted in face-to-face contact with alien beings from another planet taking place at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico. They offered to provide us with advanced technology if we would allow to monitor and take samples from the animal and human population.
Shortly thereafter a different alien race (the Nordics from Procyon) landed at Homestead Air Force Base in Florida and warned us against making a treaty with the race orbiting the equator. They were from the Galactic Federation of Planets.
They offered to help us technologically but we would have to disarm our nuclear weapons. Their concern was that by being supplied with technologies of sufficient lethality, we would inevitably destroy ourselves. The Nordics would help us elevate our spiritual state and become cosmic citizens. They told us our primitive survival instincts are useless. This offer was rejected by our government.
A third landing occurred at Muroc, at what is now Edwards Air Force Base. The base was closed for three days. The entire event was planned in advance. A treaty with the first alien group had been agreed upon and was ready to be signed. President Eisenhower had arranged to be in Palm Springs on vacation. At the appointed time he was spirited away while the press was told that he was visiting a dentist.
On February 20, 1954 at Muroc Air Force Base, President Dwight David Eisenhower personally met with a delegation of extraterrestrials known as ‘The Large Nosed Greys’ from Zeta Reticuli (the Zeta Greys) and signed the treaty. Five ships landed and were allowed to be studied.
There were several different extra-terrestrial species present including one called the Etherians. A witness stated, “ I had the distinct feeling that the world had come to an end…for I have never seen so many human beings in a state of complete collapse and confusion. The reality of the other-plane aeroforms is now and forever removed from the realms of speculation.”
The leader of this group of aliens was called “His Omnipotent Highness Krlll”. Most of the human personnel called him Hostage Krlll or Krlll. They couldn’t handle the “highness” stuff. Shortly afterward, President Eisenhower had a heart attack. Moving pictures of this event still exist.
We were told that they were from a planet of the star Betelgeuse; that their planet was dying and that shortly they would no longer be able to survive there. They needed Earth biology to correct reproductive errors. We are biologically related to them.
The resulting 1954 “Grenada Treaty” stated that they would not interfere in our affairs and we would not interfere in theirs. We would keep their presence on Earth a secret. They would furnish us with advanced technology and would help us in our technological development. They would not make a treaty with any other Earth nation. They were allowed to abduct humans on a limited basis to examine and monitor their development, provided they had no memory of the event and were returned to the point of abduction. They were required to provide a list of abductees at regularly scheduled intervals. It was agreed that 16 personnel would be exchanged to be guests on the respective home planets for a specified period of time after which they would be returned and the process would repeat.
Thus a plan was set in motion to develop advanced technology and play host to an alien race that was far more advanced than us. Resources would include retro-engineered alien technology and direct alien technological assistance. This program resulted in the development of UFO technology and the United States now has a fleet of manned and unmanned anti-gravity vehicles. It would all be kept secret from the public until some future date. That date was originally June 14, 2009.
They were given two bases underground, one under the Four Corners Area at Dulce, New Mexico and the other under Dreamland, just south of Area 51. Interestingly the underground portion of Dreamland is called The Dark Side of the Moon. The story of that encounter, except for the place, was almost exactly as portrayed in the movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” directed by Steven Spielberg. Coincidently, one of the people at Muroc for the meeting with the Zeta Greys, helped with the movie. His name is Dr. J. Allen Hynek : the same person who was responsible for the “it’s only swamp gas” statement.
The Bishop of Los Angeles, James Francis McIntyre, was also there. Two days later he was in Rome discussing the encounter with the Pope. The Vatican was also contacted by the Pleiadians and warned of dire consequences associated with the relationship the United States had with the Zeta Greys.
Shortly thereafter the Zeta Grey’s stopped telling us who was being abducted and what was being done to them. Further evidence of human and cattle abductions and mutilations were uncovered. Some aliens were manipulating masses of people through secret societies, witchcraft, magic, the occult and religion. The SDI “Star Wars” initiative was developed to defend our most secure facilities from the negative ET’s.
In October 14, 1988, in a 2 hour televised special entitled “UFO cover-up…Live!” the United States Government in concert with the Soviet Union actually exposed much of the hidden information about ET’s. It was presented to the public simultaneously in the United States and the Soviet Union, with the participation of U.S. and Soviet officials. It was revealed that we are not alone and that the government has made a hitherto secret agreement with the short grey humanoids from Zeta Reticuli. It was produced with funds from the CIA. Almost no one that saw it took it seriously.
In 1989 Bush (senior), Gorbachev and the Secretary General of the United Nations,Perez de Cuellar were meeting to plan the formal release of this information to the public. However, late on November 30th, after one of the planning sessions Perez de Cuellar was abducted out of his limousine and taken aboard a reproduction (human) UFO spacecraft and told that if he didn’t stop this plan that every world leader involved, including the United Sates President, would be abducted and taken off planet. The dark cabal made their point and all further plans for disclosure were scrubbed.
U.S.C. Title 14, Section 14, Subsection 1211 Contact between U.S. citizens and extra-terrestrials or their vehicles is illegal and punishable by 1 year in jail and $5000 fine. In addition the NASA administrator is empowered to determine, without a hearing, that a person has been “extra-terrestrially exposed” and impose an indeterminate quarantine under armed guard, which cannot be broken by court order.
Air Force regulation 200-2, JANAP-146 provides a penalty of ten years in prison and $10,000 fine and forfeiture of pay and pension for any member of the Armed Forces who makes an unauthorized statement about UFOs.
SOM1-01, the Majestic 12 Group Special Operations Manual of April 1954: “ Any encounter with entities known to be of extraterrestrial origin is to be considered to be a matter of national security and therefore classified TOP SECRET. Under no circumstances is the general public or the public press to learn of the existence of these entities. The official government policy is that such creatures do not exist, and that no agency of the federal government is now engaged in any study of extraterrestrials or their artifacts. Any deviation from this stated policy is absolutely forbidden.”
“We find ourselves faced by powers which are far stronger than we had hitherto assumed…flying saucers are real and they are spaceships from another solar system.” –
Dr Hermann Oberth -rocket scientist and father of the space age
“ I can now reveal that every day, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us. And there are thousands of witness reports and a quantity of documents to prove this, but nobody wants to make them public. Why? Because authority is afraid that people may think of God knows what kind of horrible invaders. So the password is: we have to avoid panic by all means.” –
Gordon Cooper, astronaut, 1973 UFO congress New York.
The FAA air space control operators are largely prevented from seeing the UFO’s on their radar screens by filtering technology that eliminates objects flying at excessive speeds or altitudes. The controllers called them “Fast Walkers”.
Eisenhower was the last President to know the entire overview of the alien issue (with one notable exception). Succeeding Presidents were told only what the intelligence community wanted them to know. President Jimmy Carter had planned to make exposure of the aliens a top priority of his administration but changed his mind after he was told by a leading research scientist working with the ETs that all religions are man-made. He did not believe that people were ready for this information.
Mr. Bush was the young ambitious member of the Council on Foreign Relations that volunteered his business to aiding the cause of developing the alien technology back in the 50’s. He was the president and CEO of Zapata Oil Co of Texas. Zapata was experimenting with offshore drilling and he arranged for drugs to be shipped from South America to his platforms by fishing boats. The drugs were then transferred to the U.S. shore by normal means, thus avoiding customs agents. The plan obviously worked better than anyone expected as today the NSA/CIA controls all the world’s illegal drug markets.
One in forty (1:40) humans have been implanted with alien devices. The intelligence community is concerned that the aliens are building an army of implanted humans. Their agenda has been to create a slave race to do their bidding and take over the planet. They encourage the wars, violence and fear as they live off the negative energy that is generated.
Human and cattle abductions were being performed by aliens. They were dying and they needed earth biology. In the course of their own history as a species, they lost their emotional, spiritual selves. The result is they were no longer able to conceive and had all sorts of reproductive issues trying to do it artificially. The errors could not be corrected. They succeeded in creating a viable race of alien-human hybrid beings called the Essassani from our human DNA. In 1993 they left the planet and returned to their home world.

The Soviet Union alerted JFK to the presence of an alien problem during the Cuban missile crisis. The UFOs were triggering the alarms that were set up to detect a missile launch from either side. Neither the United States nor the Russians could accurately tell if they were being attacked by the other. The Soviets decided to set up shop in Cuba and the United States was not pleased with their decision. This resulted in a stand-off called the Cuban Missile Crisis which brought us very close to World War III. A “hot line” was installed so that the leaders of both countries could confer before committing to all out nuclear war.
The following is a verbatim transcript of an NSA intercept of the private and classified top secret conversation between Kennedy and Khrushchev which took place November 12, 1963 on the “hot line” and distributed to the UFO Working Groups (MJ-12):
“Mr. Premiere a situation has developed that affects both our countries and the world and I feel it necessary to convey to you a problem that we share in common.”
“Mr. President I agree”
“As you must appreciate the tension between our two great nations has often brought us to the brink of showmanship will all the tapestry of a Greek comedy and our impasse last year was foolish and deadly. The division that separates us is through misunderstanding, politics, and cultural differences. But we have one thing in common which I would like to address to your working group in the UFO problem.”
“Yes, yes…I agree with your assessment. We nearly tied the knot that divides us permanently. Our working group believed the same way as yours. The UFO problem presents grave dangers to our countries and to the whole world. If we allow suspicions and miscalculations to force our military defense systems to react to the problem…God will never forgive us.”
“Then you agree Mr. Premiere that we should cooperate together on this issue?”
“Yes, Mr. President.”
“Mr. Premiere, I have begun an initiative with our NASA to exchange information with your Academy of Sciences in which I hope will foster mutual concern over this problem and hopefully find some resolution. I have also instructed our CIA to provide me with full disclosure on the phantom aspects and classified programs in which I can better assess the situation. Can you persuade your KGB to do likewise?”
“Mr. President, I cannot guarantee full cooperation in this area but I owe it to future history and the security of our planet to try. As you must know I have been somewhat limited in my official capacity as Party Chairman to order such cooperation in this area. We too feel that the UFO is a matter of highest importance to our collective security, If I can arrange for a meeting between our working groups at a secret location and at a time designated by you, I feel that this much on my part can happen.”
“Mr. Premiere, if a meeting at this level can convene it will be an important first step. I will lead to more dialog and trust between our countries and reduce the ever present threat of nuclear war.”
“Yes, Mr. President it will.”
“Then we are in agreement.”
“Until we talk again, this conversation is classified top secret between us.”
“Yes, until we talk again.”
On June 4th 1963, President Kennedy signed an executive order returning the power to issue currency to the United States Government without going through the Federal Reserve System. The only other President to bypass the banks was Abraham Lincoln who had authorized the printing of ‘Greenbacks’ to fund the War Between the States. He also was disturbed about the CIA’s Bay of Pigs Disaster which occurred when the director of the CIA ignored his orders to stand down. The director was fired and he told the new director of the CIA to shut down the terrorist training camps. He had engaged J. Edgar Hoover to assist him in shutting down the training camps when the CIA didn’t respond. His speech in Dallas was intended to expose their hidden activities. This left the dark cabal with no choice.
Related article: Secret Memo Shows JFK Demanded UFO Files 10 Days Before Assassination
President Kennedy was assassinated November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas. The international “dark” government found JFK to be a threat for attempting to bypass the Federal Reserve, for interfering with the affairs of the CIA and for threatening the continuing secrecy in matters of extraterrestrial intelligence and decided a premature physical transition would be required.
Operation Zipper was ordered by the policy group of the Bilderberg Group and The Council on Foreign Relations. His executioners included Meyer Lansky as head of international crime, the
Mossad and James Jesus Angleton of the CIA, the anti-Castro Cuban exiles, the Mafia bosses Sam Giancana, Carlos Marcello, Santos Trafficante; wealthy entrepreneurs H.L Hunt and Aristotle Onasis, government officials Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon. Nixon’s involvement would later be his downfall over the Watergate affair when E. Howard Hunt threatened to tell all.
There were at least six assassins. Coordinating the activities in Dallas was E. Howard Hunt and George H.W. Bush. Supervising them was Allen Dulles, the former director of the CIA who was fired from his post by Kennedy for launching the Bay of Pigs invasion against his orders. Bush had assisted the CIA in coordinating the activities of that invasion from his business, Zapata Oil. The invasion was actually code-named “Operation Zapata” and the lead ship was “The Barbara”.
Two of the assassins were high and to the rear, another was on the “Grassy Knoll”, another was in the storm drain right next to the vehicle, a fifth was the driver of the vehicle and a sixth was about 220 yards ahead and left of midline. That shot went through the windshield and entered Kennedy’s neck. Three headshots hit Kennedy in rapid sequence. Prior to that, he was struck in the upper back.
William Greer, the driver of the vehicle, used a 45 caliber handgun. He can be seen in the enhanced version of the Zapruder film reaching down to his left, and then quickly turning his head to the right while simultaneously swinging his left arm over his right shoulder. The Zapruder film shown to the public, does not show Mr. Greer turning around nor does it show the vehicle come to a complete stop at the storm drain. James Earl Files fired the exploding head shot from the grassy knoll.
Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA/FBI agent and was a scapegoat. He had been involved in shutting down secret CIA training camps under the direction of J. Edgar Hoover. At the time of the assassination, he was having lunch in the second floor break room. Oswald’s assassin, Jack Ruby (Jack Rubinstein), a member of the assassination group, had previously worked for Richard Nixon.
All of the witnesses who were close enough to the car to see Greer shoot Kennedy were themselves murdered within two years of the event. Over two hundred people who were material witnesses or were involved with the assassination have died.
Robert Kennedy was shot June 5th 1968 after winning the Democratic California Presidential Primary. One of his reasons for running for the presidency was trying to find out what role the government had in his brothers death. When he won the California Primary he was a shoe-in for the Presidency. The power-elite had to stop him from finding out.
Marilyn Monroe was assassinated because she threatened to reveal information about the ET aliens and drugs.
As his first official act, President Lyndon Johnson rescinded the Kennedy Presidential order to issue constitutionally authorized debt-free currency. Incidentally, Johnson changed the Oval Office carpet before Kennedy was assassinated.
There was a UFO/EBE Working Group consisting of an international consortium, financed and supported by some of the biggest money institutions and private industrialists in the world. They represent Big Oil, Weapons and Banking. MJ-12 (Majestic) was overseen by a group of twelve high level military, intelligence, and scientific institutions within the defense establishment. It was their job to back-engineer the hardware and research the physics of antigravity, free energy and time travel.
The main facility for this was called Blue Moon which is under Kirkland Air Force Base in New Mexico in the Monzoni Mountains. This facility is also connected to the Los Alamos facility through a network of tunnels.
Part 10 next!