Thursday, May 12, 2016

If This Video Doesn’t Wake You Up & Make You Think, Nothing Else Will

Things Are Changing

We are currently experiencing a massive awakening that has been in the works for many years now. It’s not a secret anymore that a small group of elite, the corporations they run, and the big banks basically control everything. Many people have told us this, the most recent example being Bernie Sanders in a debate with Hillary Clinton; he let the world know that it doesn’t matter who is elected president because the big banks are really the ones pulling the strings and making decisions. Apart from that, we have numerous examples of corporations dictating and pushing government policy; the Trans Pacific Partnership is one clear instance of this in practice.
This group of elite has gained control over our education, health, finance, economics, energy, and more, but people are continuing to oppose them. Genetically Modified Foods are one example of this pushback — over the past two years alone millions of people around the world have protested and lobbied against them. As a result of their efforts, dozens of countries have now banned both the import and growth of GMOs.
Despite the many cards stacked against our doing so, human beings are beginning to see the futility of chasing material wealth. We are finally starting to pay attention, to think critically, and these are the first, most vital steps towards action and change. More and more people are becoming passionate about changing the human experience, and that’s exactly what we need at this time.