by David Wilcock
May 29, 2016, 12:00 am

Although things seem "almost too quiet" in the open world at the moment, the war in the Secret Space Program world has never been hotter or more intense.
We are no longer getting full intel due to operational security -- but we have strong clues as to what this is leading to.
The art at the top of this article is a professional rendition of the aerial part of the battle that is happening now, based on high-level intel.
This is not at all a normal situation. Due to "masking" technology this war is mostly invisible to us, but there are traces of the battle that we can measure.
The teardrop-shaped craft are of the Draco, and the triangular "chevron" craft are a new and unexpected surprise attack from what appears to be the Alliance.
We will provide the full context in this article to help you understand what is going on now, and where it may be leading.
In order to set up the story, it is necessary to frame the expansive new view that is required through some little-known but conventional examples.
[Note: The article will undergo updates that will be added in red after it is first posted, over the next 24 hours. We will notate them here as it unfolds.]
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