
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Walt Disney as an Elite Occultist

A cherished American icon, Disney has become much more than a corporation, or a collection of cartoons, theme parks, and childhood memories–Disney has become (and really always has been) a carefully orchestrated web of archetypal symbolism derived from the Ancient Mystery traditions of Egypt, and stimulated by the elitist mentality of the American Surveillance State.

by Anthony Tyler

Since Marc Eliot’s research novel, Walt Disney: Hollywood’s Dark Prince came out in the late ’90’s (without the authorization of the Disney family or corporation) conspiracy theories about Walt Disney have ranged from his documented relationship with J. Edgar Hoover and the Communist “Witch hunt” of the Cold War era;

- his relationship to both Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism;

- the incredible amount of esoteric symbolism that was put into Disney’s media that persists now more than ever;

- his neurotic, obsessive-compulsive tendencies that he reportedly self medicated with narcotics and alcohol;

- and also, his known sympathies with the Nazi regime, his anti-semitism, and a reported sexism in the workplace.

Some of these claims even reach into more speculative grounds, such as Disney’s ties to pedophilia, and even the mafia.

This article will serve as a brief, open-source investigation into the claims of the man behind the facade of the Disney Public-Relations funds–the true face of the “imagineer,” the man seeking to capture the imaginations of America’s youth, Walter Elias Disney.

Walt himself had a lonely upbringing, lacking what he felt to be a meaningful relationship with his parents. His mother reportedly was quite cold to him, and Walt’s self-proclaimed love for animals over humans was said to have stemmed from this sense of isolation as a child.

Presumably because of this type of upbringing, as a child Walt excelled in the Freemason-affiliated “Order of the DeMolay” which is an international masonic organization for young men at the ages of 12 to 21.

The title “DeMolay” is derived from the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Jacques DeMolay.

As an adult, Walt joined the “Ancient Mystical Order of Rosae Crucis” (AMORC) which is the largest known organization of Rosicrucianism, and also boasts the membership of people like Star Trek creator, Gene Roddenberry–among so many other noteworthy names.

For those unaware, Rosicrucianism is a surviving occult school of thought that primarily studies the Ancient Mystery teachings promoted by Egypt (dating much earlier than the Egyptians, however) through the lens of more traditional Western symbolism.

Generally, it is considered a form of esoteric Christian mysticism.

While this may paint a certain measure of nobility around Walt Disney, there is a great deal of evidence to show that he was a deeply troubled individual that suffered a degree of gender-identity confusion which resulted in ambiguous attractions that caused troubles in his marriage.

There are also reports of Walt Disney cross-dressing, which raises the question of whether he and J Edgar Hoover ever had any fully “dressed” classified meetings.

In regards to this esoteric symbolism, anyone readily attempting to dispute Disney’s occult symbolism is either in denial, or hasn’t actually seen any Disney cartoons: from Bambi, Dumbo, and Pinocchio, to more overt occult references like Sword in the Stone, Alice in Wonderland, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, even Fantasia – the list goes on and on.

Witches, wizards, genies, alchemy and magical spells galore, Disney was not coy at all when using his inspiration from the ancient Mystery teachings.

This not only survives to this day, but has become even more blatant with the purchasing of both LucasFilms and Marvel Comics, and now Disney is creating science-fiction wars with extra-dimensional entities and uniting ancient Norse gods with the Military Surveillance State and weapons-contractor billionaires.

Speaking of science-fiction wars with extra-dimensional entities, in The Avengers, the Tesseract of the first movie is the direct name and symbolism of occult philosophy, especially Freemasonry and the Mystery Teachings.

However, it should be stated that these symbols are not “demonic/ satanic/ evil” in and of themselves, and are not evidence to condemn Walt Disney, yet the more ominous claims are yet to come.

In consideration to Walt Disney’s ties to freemasonry, it is likely that he was considered an honorary 33rd degree by at least one lodge or another, but some Freemasons deny this claim. Walt excelled in the DeMolay as a young man, and even originally made Mickey Mouse a member of the DeMolay as well.

Since Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry often go hand-in-hand, it seems that his specific title as a mason is perhaps an overall moot point that is still being debated.

Walt Disney was said to be a man of high-energy, with awkward social tendencies, neurotic personal habits, and even questionable moral fiber as a father and overall human being.

If Walt really was a practicing Rosicrucian, its hard to consider that he was also a pedophile unless this Rosicrucianism was a facade for deeper, black-magick ritualism (which is a documented thread of research when dealing with the upper echelons of Elitist Society).

While this remains the most speculative of the claims, there does appear to be preliminary evidence for it–especially considering the continuing threads of the Disney corporation’s relationship with the surviving Project: MKULTRA that inherently deal with trauma-based mind control that is largely based on black magick from the Egyptian “Pyramid Texts”.

A primary MKULTRA derivative, slang-titled Project: MONARCH, has intrinsic ties to pedophilia as well, and is said to have connections to common scandals like Jerry Sandusky, Larry King and Boystown (not the talk-show host), the Vatican’s whole string of events, Bohemian Grove rituals and onward.

And yes, Disney is continuously found in the equation, at least from the social-propaganda standpoint.

Unfortunately, for those readers still looking to salvage some humanity out of Walt Disney from this read, there are certainly specific accusations of Disney himself participating in pedophilia.

A research novel written by Darwin Porter, entitled Hollywood Babylon Strikes Again, illustrates the many different sex scandals of the Hollywood elite that were completely buried by Public Relations campaigns, and highlights Walt Disney in the process.

Said to have a strong attraction to young star, Bobby Driscoll (voice of Peter Pan), the book even alleges that Disney owned a Los Angeles apartment for the sole purpose of meeting up with young boys that he paid to sleep with.

What can be more concretely stated about Walt Disney is the elitist social mentality that is often slipped in between the lines of Freemasonry and esoteric societies.

The symbolism behind masonry is inherently meant to be recognized as the responsibility to “build” all things in their life with spiritual alchemy–transmuting the baser elements of existence into “gold,” whether it be within themselves, their business, their community, et cetera.

This is obviously not an inherently negative concept, but when this idea of “hidden knowledge” meant to “build” society was met with Sigmund Freud and his nephew, Edward Bernays’ Rockefeller/ Rothschild funded Public Relations media revolution, a serious and narcissistic convolution of esoteric tradition can be noted by the Elitist bloodlines of western society.

Instead of being the keepers of esoteric tradition, it became a closely guarded secret that was kept from the general public, and given to them in “proper doses” of esoteric symbolism and mystery traditions throughout the various media outlets.

This is obviously, very heavily reminiscent of the Eleusinian Mysteries in ancient Greece, and how these Mystery traditions played a direct role in the theater and art media of the culture, as well as the politics.
“For more systematic research into Disney’s esoteric symbolism and this symbolism in all of Hollywood and Pop Culture Media as a whole, Jay Dyer, Freeman Fly, and Jamie Hanshaw are recommended beginning sources.

“As well, there are the more traditional routes into research of archetypal symbolism, like Carl Jung, and the classic comparative mythology work, 'Hamlet’s Mill,' published at the end of the 1960’s.”
Considering Walt Disney, there are two more crucial points worth addressing: his documented relationship to J. Edgar Hoover and Joseph McCarthy’s Communist “Witch hunt” of the Cold War era, and an assessment of his role in the Mainstream Media’s Globalist agenda, streamlined during the propaganda of the two World Wars, continuing with full force today.

Due to the Freedom of Information Act, formerly-classified FBI documents reveal Walt’s deep-seated relationship with J. Edgar Hoover and his bureau, even dating back to the original construction of the Disney World theme park.

Hoover, known for his own connections to secret societies and extensive neurotic tendencies that were similar to Disney’s, clearly forged a type of cordial friendship with Walt.

Walt, working as a sort of FBI-agent “contact” during the Cold War communist scare, was helping the FBI feel that they were covering their bases and gaining Walt a very strong pro-American image among the Elite.

This even allowed him certain privileges at the FBI, such as certain levels of lower FBI classification clearances when it was requested. However, not only were Disney’s accusations against individuals for communism questionable, but they were often (if not always) ill-founded, stemming from neurotic tendencies.

For brevity, a general analysis of the declassified information appears to demonstrate that “communism” was a tool used by Disney to justify his social neurosis and his ideas of social elitism.

Whether it was conscious or not, Disney used the idea of communism to demonize the people he did not enjoy; to demonize them in a way that put him in the good graces of people like Hoover. Two birds with one stone. The entire portfolio of Disney-related FBI documents can be viewed here.

While the specific details of the dark history of the Disney family may still not be flushed out, there is enough damning information here to show that Walt Disney was indeed heavily participating in the globalization elitist agenda.

Even if he was not a pedophile with connections to high-level criminals, he was a neurotic bigot with massive social inferiority that he subsequently sought to project into the minds of countless children and generations to come.

Disney was deeply fascinated with esoteric Mystery teachings and clearly understood this in relationship to archetypes and the collective consciousness.

Another open-end of the research includes further speculation into who Walt Disney’s true parents may have been, since this was a notion that recurred to haunt him throughout his life until he finally found that he had been adopted; and some have even correlated this to a certain amount of blackmail that Disney may have received from the FBI, concerning Walt’s true origins.

However, these seem to be speculation at this point in time.

Additional final notes include that he was known to have a strong distaste for Jews, which Walt interestingly said had been harbored because Jews had monopolized a stranglehold on the media, and because of this, he had a known affinity for the Nazi regime; Operation Paperclip being something that Walt truly reveled in.

Werner Von Braun went on to have a prominent role in both NASA and Disney’s Tomorrowland Public Relations, and a great deal of his word went into a Tomorrowland TV documentary (aired in the 1960’s) that explained the probability of being able to colonize Mars in the near future.

Still, all of this clearly remains a bit of surface level investigation, and there are still a great many interesting avenues of research that have completely ripened for the picking in the Alternative News community; fruit that will hopefully be plucked and shared with the rest before too much longer.

In any case, Disney obviously had a hot streak of elitist mentality where he felt it a philosophical, even metaphysical responsibility to give esoteric fodder to the imaginations of American children.

(For an articulate process of the imagination from a psychoanalytical sense and beyond, Jon Rappoport is recommended research.)

From witches, magic potions and Nazis, to government espionage, propaganda, drugs, and sexual perversion that may have teetered into pedophilia, Walt Disney was truly the Dark Prince of Hollywood, whichever way one decides to slice this pie.