As most of you reading this probably know by now, music legend Prince passed away yesterday at the age of 57. His memory will assuredly live on, especially here at Collective Evolution. Not long ago, Prince shared one of our articles on his Facebook page, and he has spent much of his time raising awareness about issues threatening our safety. In particular, he has spoken about ‘chemtrails,’ otherwise known as geoengineering, and the New World Order.
Several years ago, Prince was a guest on
a show hosted by Travis Smiley, an American talk show host, author,
political commentator, and activist. During the interview, Travis
asked Prince about his song ‘Dreamner,’ which Prince reveals
was inspired by American civil rights activist Dick Gregory, a social
critic, writer, and entrepreneur. He explained that Gregory had said
something that “really hit home” for him:
You know, when I was a kid, I used to see these trails in the sky all the time. So that’s cool, a jet just went over. And then you started to see a whole bunch of them, and next think you know everybody in your neighbourhood was fighting and arguing and you didn’t know why, okay, and you really didn’t know why, I mean, everybody was fighting. So he started riffing about the chemtrails, and, he started to say things that hit home so hard, and I would recommend that everybody try to get what he said online, or wherever, and try to get a copy of it and just listen to it, because I was so moved that I had to write this song.
Here is an excerpt from his song “Dreamer”:
While the helicopter circles us, this theory’s getting’ deep, Think they’re spraying chemicals over the city while we sleep? From now on I’m staying’ awake, you can call me a dreamer too, wake up, wake up.
Prince then goes on explain the meaning behind some of his lyrics in the song:
The first line of the song says I was born on a slave plantation, in the United States of the red, white and blue, and we live in a place now, that feels just about like a plantation, we’re all indentured servants, you know.
Here is the video clip below; it also features a clip of Dick Gregory as well.