I have included information in my previous articles about all the wild things that are happening around the world as of these last few years. Many huge changes have occurred, and yet I still encounter people who insist nothing is happening. They don’t see change.
I have included information in my previous articles about all the wild things that are happening around the world as of these last few years. Many huge changes have occurred, and yet I still encounter people who insist nothing is happening. They don’t see change.

This article could be useful for people who just want a refresher on everything has gone down so far.
Well I am going to give you all the details I can find about changes that have happened. Let’s begin.

Now I want to go into some of the global financial changes that have happened (we are in the Great Depression 2.0 in case you haven’t noticed) BTW, this is not meant to be fear porn but to educate all on the current situation so we may better prepare for it when it progresses:
This is what I have for now. So if you know someone who isn’t convinced about anything going on or changes happening and if you feel guided to you can direct them to this article.

Remember, this planet will have a happy ending, but the Cabal must be cut off from their money supply, as China has helped do by insisting on settling oil prices in Yuan and not dollars, hence the oil price crash. It may get worse before it gets better but I believe we will make it through. We have lived through all this other crap the Cabal has thrown at us in this life and in countless lives before this.
Thank you for your time and much love!