Silver Legion Announcements
As Above, So Below
by Tanaath on 03/30/16
Short post this time, but important. I’m also doing
some running around the countryside for the next little while so I won’t
be able to post regularly. Plus I need to get caught up on my writing.
As Above, So Below
This one is pretty straightforward. As I said at the
beginning of these posts, we live in a fractal. A fractal is an
iterative, recursive, repeating pattern. All of the dimensions and
densities are part of this fractal. The term ‘as above, so below’
discusses this. What this tells you is that the patterns that exist at
one iteration of the fractal are going to exist in other iterations of
the fractal. So particular patterns will be found in the lowest
dimensions (below), and the highest dimensions (above) and everything in
between. But, as I mentioned in my first posts on these topics, at any
given level the fractal expression may ‘look’ differently from another
level. Depending on what your frame of reference is, the ‘picture’
changes, but the pattern always remains the same.
What this means in concrete terms is that all the
things we experience – the big picture patterns – we’re going to observe
elsewhere in creation. This can be useful – for instance, if you want
to know what subatomic particles looks like and how they behave, observe
the cosmos at the macro level, because the movement and shapes of
galaxies within superclusters is the same. It also means we’re going to
see some of the same things we observe in our own society in other
societies, even supposedly ‘higher, more enlightened’ societies. If we
are capable of useless political processes and dysfunctional beliefs, so
are the people in higher dimensions, because they are part of the same
flawed pattern as we are. This is why it is such a trap to assume people
in higher dimensions are always going to be more mature, more
enlightened, or better, than people down here. They’re not – they’re
subject to the same mistakes we are. But boy, do some of them ever like
you to think they’re better, because then they can gain control over you and suborn you to their will.
The ‘as above, so below’ concept has an important
implication that the ones who created the Big Problem don’t want you to
realize. This is the whole reason Terra was chosen as the ‘battleground’
for this little mess. Simply, to change the whole, you change one part. To change the entire fractal, it’s only necessary to change certain parts
of it. Terra is a particularly interesting planet – for whatever reason
its position within the universal fractal is such that what happens
here has the capacity to alter the entire fractal. This is why this
planet is so important to Alternate and why so much time, energy, and
resources have been invested into controlling us and trying to trick us
into a maze of falsehoods. This is also what has drawn so many ET and ED
stakeholders – although not all of them understand fully the
implications of this and simply see it as an opportunity to further
themselves, even if at the expense of others.
If we push this notion even further, we come to the
inevitable conclusion that, since we are a part of the fractal, if we
change ourselves, we change the world around us. This is a deceptively
simple, yet very difficult concept. It’s one that might be easy to
contemplate, but actually doing it is very hard in the context of
an artificial reality that keeps reinforcing itself. Because the
reality around us refuses to show us in very cogent ways how much it
changes as we change, it feels like it’s only us that changes.
However, these things add up, especially when we’re all trying to make
the same kinds of corrective changes – to become more ourselves, to take
back our personal sovereignty and personal power, to regain our
autonomy and to become more balanced. Sooner or later the ‘weight’ of
our own personal change will require that the Matrix reprogram itself to reflect those changes, and then we will start to see the results in wider ways.
But what about The Law of One? I’ll talk about that next post.