Information and Tickets for this live event at .... http://www.risemultiversity.org/tools-for-transition-workshop-spiraling-through-your-dna.html
Are you ready to take the next step in attaining freedom and
sovereignty from the 4th dimensional matrix? Carla Fox’s next “Tools
for Transition” workshop is “Spiraling through your DNA”.
an energetic level, our DNA is a 4th dimensional structure that holds
the patterning for all plant, animal and human species on the planet. At
its basic level, since DNA is composed of energy or light, it can be
easily shifted. Every time a person experiences an energetic healing of
some sort, their DNA patterning shifts for the positive. On the negative
side, many distortions have been inserted into our genetic patterning
to introduce disease and dysfunction into the human form. One might say
that the synthetic matrix agenda for this is to keep us diseased and
depleted so that we do not have enough escape velocity to leave the 4th
dimensional arena upon death.
Carla has
been doing DNA healing for years, first in her shamanic practice and now
with her Quantum Sphere Healing protocol. She has created a variety of
techniques for working with one’s genetic distortions that she will be
sharing with you in this workshop. You will also gain an understanding
of the process involved when your DNA dissolves altogether!
this 2 hour workshop, Carla will cover some basic teachings on the
energetic nature of the DNA. You will then be led through several guided
exercises that you can repeat at any time with the purpose of
clarifying and shifting your inherited genetic patterns.
Live Online Video Experiential Workshop with Caral Fox. April 23rd 4pmE.
With Interactive Audience QA.
For tickets: http://www.risemultiversity. org/tools-for-transition- workshop-spiraling-through- your-dna.html
About Tools For Transition Work Shop Series
are deeply honored to have Carla Fox on board offering her amazing
transformational work. For those of you desiring to move into a more
centered peaceful grounded empowered and non-interfered with space do
yourself the favor of attending her upcoming workshop. She will be
offering experiential practices that anyone can do on their own to
further their personal healing and spiritual evolution. We cannot
recommend Carla’s transformational tools enough.