It controls practically everything in America
by Preston James

In 2014, the Chairman, Director and Senior Editor of Veterans Today disclosed publicly for the very first time that there is no naturally occurring terrorism — it is only violence and wars engineered by the World’s largest organized crime syndicate.
Thus, we now are aware that the so-called problem of terrorism is really a problem of organized crime that is initiated and deployed by the world’s largest organized crime syndicate.
Never before in history has an organized crime syndicate become so large with global reach, and never before so powerful and evil, specializing in the frequent mass-murder of innocent people solely to enhance its power and riches.
It was Gordon Duff, Chairman of Veterans Today, who first publicly discussed this sinister reality at the Damascus Conference to Combat Terrorism and Religious Extremism during his Keynote Speech in December of 2014.
Soon after this, VT’s Financial Editor and Talk show host (“Short End of the Stick”) Mike Harris pointed out for the first time that this largest global organized crime syndicate is best identified as the Khazarian Mafia (KM). This name is appropriate, because its origins go back in history to the period 700-1200 AD in the nation of Khazaria, which is approximately the same area as Ukraine.
Mike Harris uncovered a sinister history related to this Khazarian Mafia — one of committing genocide against Armenians in 1915, and mass-murdering over 100 million innocent Russian civilians in the Bolshevik Revolution. The KM also mass-murdered at least that many Chinese during the Khazarian Mafia directed Maoist takeover in China in 1945.
Mike Harris also uncovered the longstanding blood feud of the Khazarian Mafia (aka the Bolsheviks, or Zionists) against the Russian people for destroying Khazaria in 1240 AD.
It is clear that the Khazarian Mafia has also had a longstanding blood feud against America the Constitutional Republic for breaking away from their City of London establishment that the KM had infiltrated and hijacked via the Rothschild banksters.
This KM blood feud against America has been conducted with the usual methods involving infiltration of key institutions, followed by their hijacking. This has been done within each of the largest US Corporations, which are further consolidated into several larger corporations that cooperate together against consumers and buyers of their products and services.
The application of several key KM processes have resulted in the hijacking and consolidation of most American institutions and large corporations.
This same process of infiltration, hijacking and consolidation of major institutions, corporations and even most governments has been repeated over and over in many nations around the world, stealing huge amounts of wealth from people and resulting in a worldwide KM hierarchy of control, best described in America as the Establishment Hierarchy.

This same process has been enacted in every sector of American society after 1913, and we discover that every major institution of government and private industry, as well as most large church systems have been infiltrated and completely hijacked to be under the spell and control of the top leadership of the KM’s hierarchy.
End of the hegemony of the Petrodollar system?
- The Money Cartel aka the Federal Reserve System, a fraudulent illegal unConstitutional system that prints fake money debt-notes instead of real Gold or Silver Certificates. This is the epitome of RICO crime and fraud. Of course there is no statute of limitations on fraud, and all assets illegally asset stripped can be clawed back some day using the US military, if necessary.
- The Energy Cartel aka the Petro Cartel which has provided the linchpin of the US Petro Dollar.
- The Knowledge Cartel aka the US Educational system including public schools, private and public universities. Rigid controls have been imposed which prevent free thought and investigation or teaching about certain forbidden subjects like the Federal Reserve System or all the secretly run illegal, unConstitutional practices of the Establishment Hierarchy.
- The Military and Intel Cartel which has served as the World’s policemen and used American Soldiers as disposable cannon-fodder. This itself is one of the most sinister crimes against America and is a well-planned attempt to destroy Goyim men and prevent them from defending America from the KM’s “final solution” and final revenge for ever leaving England which is the mass-murder of 90% of all Americans, a repeat of what they did in Russian in 1917 and China in 1945.
- The Judiciary, Corrections and Police Cartel which is used to run interference and cover-ups for the Establishment Hierarchy. It is staffed by mostly Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens and ex-Jag Officers who serve the Establishment Hierarchy no matter what.
- The Big Medicine Cartel. Controls all medical schools, all medical, dental and nursing degrees, the CDC, the FDC and all USG health policies. Like all other Establishment Hierarchy Cartels it serves the Hierarchy’s needs and serves up limited truth about all health problems and is oriented to making people sick in order to gain maximum profits and control of the masses by weakening them and asset stripping them.
- The Big Pharma Cartel. This cartel has been designed to work closely with the Big Medicine Cartel in a symbiotic arrangement where each feeds the other and increases business for each other. This is a sinister result of what good be an asset to Americans that has turned bad, becoming a tool to gain major profits at the expense of the health and financial well-being of Americans.
- The Agricultural Cartel. This cartel has been created by infiltrating and hijacking corporations that buy, broker and process grains and produce. It is associated with the banks in various financing schemes designed to result in the loss of family farms to become part of large corporate farms.
- The Major Mass Media Cartel. This is best described as the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM). It uses an American Intel proprietary to vet every single story carried by the six networks which actually function as a virtual and illegal Monopoly. This KM proprietary is a major Investment House that claims to be on the Vanguard of progressive investments.
- The Entertainment Cartel. This is based on the sophisticated mind-kontrol served up by Hollywood and the Television networks and movie theaters. It controls the culture, values and mores of the American group mind and and keeps the massed sedated and satiated. When folks experience frequent “shoot em up” action scenario’s sitting in front of large screen TVs and in movie theaters and frequently see the impossible, this satiates their expectations and exhausts their motivation to actually change society for the better. Many have become so “programmed” mentally by the TV and movies that they have trouble distinguishing between fantasy and reality and easily accept their mind-kontrolled state.
- The Bread and Circuses Cartel. This is Big Sports designed to keep the masses appeased so they don’t have time to become concerned about how the Establishment is ripping them off at every level nor any inclination to be motivated to stop them from doing so. Much of the violence and filth in America can be directly attributed to this powerful mind-kontrol system which operates by the power of 60 HZ conditioned susceptibility, hypnosis for many. Hollywood superstars are paid big money because what they do is important to the Establishment Hierarchy, in terms of mind-kontrolling the American masses and much of the world.
- The Religious Cartel. Sad to say that the KM has infiltrated and hijacked almost every major religion in the World, including the Vatican and Catholicism, Lutheranism and all the rest. The illegal, unConstitutional 501-3C tax exempt status regulation for churches has kept them in line and restricted them from getting involved in politics or preaching much truth related to evil in the highest echelons of their own governments, local, state and federal.
- The Secret Society Cartel. The KM has established a worldwide network of secret occult-based societies which form the secret associations that control almost every major US Institution from the top echelons. This network is closely associated with Intel groups and actually has been secretly deputized as agents of national security which gives them immunity from any prosecution. This Cartel uses various occult groups in its network such as satanic cults like the Process to do its dirty work, often assassinations, gang-stalking, secret break-ins and other crimes for the Intel Agencies who want distance and deniability. There are cases where certain occult members who have embarked on missions to assassinate targeted individuals who have been clipped by a well-trained intended target and these incidents never get into the light of day for what really happened. As more and more Americans are becoming armed under the new concealed carry “shall issue” laws, it is not so easy anymore for these occult groups to assassinate targeted individuals without getting clipped in the process.
- The Government and Politics Cartel. This involves a coordinated system that controls all government in America, local, state and federal. Various manipulations are used to bring conformity to the wishes and edicts of the Establishment Hierarchy such as political favors, bribery, human compromise and even harassment, threats and assassinations often disguised as medical illnesses.
- The Arms Cartel. This is one of the biggest money makers for the wealthy KM families that own large blocks of stock in these defense contractors, especially those with no-bid contracts which are also involved in kidnapping and sex-slavery. War is extreme profitable for the FRS Banks and these KM investor Families. And that is why the Hierarchy pulls so many strings to hire mercenaries to conduct Gladio-style, inside-job false-flag attacks in order to start illegal, unConstitutional, unprovoked, undeclared, unwinnable, perpetual foreign wars. Because the Russian Republic has checkmated this war-making process in the Mideast, it is likely that the KM is planning on transforming America into a large GAZA II war-zone and eventually into the World’s largest open-aired prison camp while they complete their goal to depopulate America by 90%.
- The Narcotics Cartel. This is the most lucrative KM Cartel in America of all, next to the Money Cartel, which is the “head of the snake”. Retired DEA officials have privately spoken out and claimed that most of the large Wall Street banks would go under in a month unless they could launder the vast fortunes obtained from the Establishments with their international drug trafficking, especially into America. The richest, top Establishment Hierarchy (KM) families who are in the upper crust dress with the most expensive clothes, live in big mansions, and attend charity events and give token amounts from their vast tax exempt charitable foundations pretending to be caring folks, when they are actually the most two-faced and evil of all, and directly gain from the enormous drug cartel profits which they hid in these tax exempt foundations and draw money out as long term loans and “operating expenses”. This vast illegal drug income is split with the Intel agencies, who use it for black ops money and personal gain.

There is some good news with all this bad news

Recently the KM has been completely checkmated for the very first time, and this has been accomplished in Syria by Putin and the Russian Federation with its use of superior state of the art air power at its ally Syria’s request.
Not only that, numerous new economic, trade and monetary coalitions have developed, which in time will sink the US Petro Dollar as the World’s Reserve Currency, maybe sooner than later.
Thus we see the BRICS Development Bank emerging, followed by the Chinese AIIB System and the Chinese version of the Swift money-wire system.
Already most of the world’s governments (except the USA and Israel) have either signed up for BRICS or sent letters of intent. Private trade deals have been negotiated between China, Russia and other nations, which are for the first time conducting trade without the use of the US Petro Dollar. Even Saudi Arabia is beginning to negotiate with the Chinese about mutual new trade deals without using the US Petro Dollar.
The die is set, and no matter how much the Federal Reserve System and its partner in crime the US Department of the Treasury monetize the US foreign debt by buying it back with newly issued but worthless debt-notes, it is only a matter of time that the whole FRS system is going to collapse under its own massive Ponzi scheme of financial fraud and fake money.

As more and more Americans find out about the KM, the Establishment Hierarchy and the Select Few that run it, more and more Americans will become motivated to dissent, protest and work hard to change this at every level instead of wasting most of their free time on TV entertainment and bread and circuses.
Abject secrecy is necessary for the KM’s survival and power. Up until recently, any presentation of such realities to one’s family or friends usually resulted in the accusation that such was conspiracy theory or crackpot Internet stuff.
Lately with all the USG lies exposed even in the CMMM, especially when USG economic statistics are reported that everyone knows are clearly lies, folks are catching on and beginning to listen to such talk and believing it for the first time.
The best way would probably be for a patriotic faction of the US Military High Command to wake up and stage a coup d’état and cut the head off of the snake by arresting all of the top Hierarchy members for Treason, Sedition and RICO crimes against America, especially the Select Few.
The problem is that the
Hierarchy’s control over all American Institutions has reached the point
that we are probably going to have to see the Hierarchy and the KM
destroyed by the geopolitical and geo-economic manipulations of Russia,
China and its new economic allies all around the world.

As this new reordering of monetary systems and trading nations emerges, the death of the US Petro Dollar is imminent, and when that happens the power of the KM and its Establishment Hierarchy and system of interlocked Cartels will collapse.
In fact, every single one of the KM Cartels listed above is being exposed and many are being checkmated by dissident Americans from all walks of life, including retired Intel, government officials and many of the now well-informed public.
In addition, the Russian Federation, China and their new associations with BRICS nations and AIIB participants are seeding the complete disempowerment and destruction of the KM and the Establishment Hierarchy. The KM knows its end seems imminent, and had built Malaysia and China into economic powerhouses to later parasitize as their new hosts after they have reduced the USA to rubble and dead bodies.
But the Chinese have very long memories and their leaders have connected the dots and are hip to this and working closely with Putin and the Russian Federation to prevent this. In the not too distant future, there will likely be no place to hide for the KM and their Establishment Hierarchy.
Stay tuned, because in a future article, an attempt will be made to explain why the KM members are so two-faced and so remarkably inhuman and evil. We need to find out why they are able to order individual murders and mass-murders of innocent civilians in war at the drop of a hat with absolutely no remorse.
We need to learn why they enacted extreme rules of engagement with We The People, while never expecting that someday the same rules of engagement could be directed back at them systematically at all levels.