Before we may begin, I solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.
On behalf of the citizens of the Constitutional Republic of the united States of America,
First and foremost, we would like to remind you that you are currently all sovereign citizens. The government that you know -- the illegal corporate governing entity (CGE) known as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. is defunct, bankrupt and is currently operating as a facade.
The restoration of our de-facto Constitutional Republic of the united States of America which is currently an interim government of the US Military is underway. The US Military is the only de-facto and legal operating entity left of the Republic. Upon the creation of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC., the military immediately created an interim government as a contingency plan. This contingency plan is slowly but surely following through.
I have been given the liberty to inform you that the transfer of funds from our Eastern allies is currently in the process. This transfer must be completed prior to the activation of the Treasury Notes and the release of the United States Notes. In which will fund the newly formed and restored Republic.
Without our Eastern allies, we would not have been able to accomplished so much to this date. Our Eastern allies have constantly been battling the criminal syndicate of Khazarian origin that you may know of. They are the bravest of souls, you may know one of these brave souls, Vladimir Putin. Because of their efforts in dismantling the Khazarian criminal empire, we have been allowed to focus on the restoration of our dear beloved Republic.
Now with the criminal syndicate cornered and financially cut off. Diplomacy is increasingly becoming successful. Further details of diplomacy cannot be discussed at this time.
To We The People, do not stand by and wait for us. Take legal action, defend your rights and defend the Constitution for which this Republic stands for. Expose the CGE of their fraud and crimes against this country. Give them no quarter.
Signed by the Representatives of the New Republic and Approved by the Interim President.
J.F.D. Jr.
RELATED: New Republic Report -- February 13, 2016
RELATED: New Republic Report -- January 31, 2016
RELATED: A Message from the Representative of the New Republic
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