It does not take much to realise that massive changes are necessary to propel you into the New Age. The Forces of Light are already prepared to intervene and assist you to bring the changes about. Any form of discomfort will be kept to a minimum and you shall leap into the New Age with our help. The first priority is to make you self-sufficient, so that at the very least you have the basic needs supplied. Clearly the needs of many people in the Far East tend to be more urgent, and they will be quickly supplied according to their needs. Once the people are settled it will become much easier for them to welcome and accept others. The energy of coming together will create a strong bond between you all, and without the interference of the dark Ones who will have been removed it will be lasting.
In the future you will eventually be guided to your Star Family when you will continue your evolution. It is ever on going and once you rise up you will have more choice of your own as to which direction you go in. For many this journey is the opportunity to find your true home, as every soul that has come to Earth has come from elsewhere. You may wonder why it is attracting so much attention, and that is because Ascension will be unique as never before has it been attempted by souls still in a physical body. Naturally in the course of ascending the cells of your body will change to match the higher vibration. So it will be an exciting time for those involved and the many civilisations who also have an interest.
The cycle that is just finishing has taken you through many experiences and given you mostly very hard lessons about life, yet at the same time enabled you to evolve much quicker. Every life time you have had has been chosen so as to give you the opportunity to make progress, yet at times you have probably missed the point of them. However, your Guides always know your life plan and will do their best to ensure you follow it. Bear in mind that you choose it, and would normally agree with your Guides who really do know what is best for you.
As you have found out, life is not specifically all lessons and you do enjoy relaxation through many different interests. Yet these can also bring you tests of how well you treat your opponents where competition is necessary, and perhaps prizes are at stake. Now you can understand why life on Earth is such a big challenge, and why if you come through it you will be well on the path to the higher vibrations. Very few people are aware that after a life on Earth you yourself review it, and in the higher vibrations only the truth can exist so you cannot speak other than of your true intentions. However, do not be concerned about it as no one is trying to punish you for times when you have strayed from the truth. All experiences are something you can learn from and hopefully there may not be any need for you to go through certain experiences again.
You will find that every effort you have put in to achieve success in your spiritual life will have been more than worth it, as you will almost certainly have made progress and that is the main objective of everyone. Be assured matters will become a lot easier once you proceed beyond the third dimension, where you will find more opportunity to express yourself and follow your own interests. You will have much to learn as life is somewhat different to what you have been used to, and offers more opportunity to travel off planet. However, your experiences will serve you well and you will be adequately equipped to deal with the new challenges that will confront you.
As you raise your vibrations you will find that you enjoy a better life free from the ravages of the various illnesses that seem to beset you on Earth. Aging is no longer an issue as your life expectancy becomes much greater. Things are so much different to what you are used to at present, but far more enjoyable as you are not plagued with problems that you experience with the aging of your physical body. Those souls of the lower vibrations cannot follow you into the higher ones, but you can lower yours and if necessary visit them. It means that as much as you might wish for a certain soul to join you, it is not possible unless they are of the same vibrations.
As you are beginning to understand, your present life on Earth is but a pale reflection of what lies ahead. But for the Illuminati holding you back, you should have already been far more advanced than you are at present. Although advancements have been made, in real terms matters have become stagnated and in real terms you are at least some 50 years behind where you should have been. However, it will not take us long to quickly make up for lost time and you will be propelled into the New Age in next to no time at all. So any hardships you are experiencing now will be very short lived.
Keep your lives on track for eventually a quick change to enjoy a new way of life. It is what you knew was coming to you as you completed your time in the lower vibrations. In many ways it will not be as new to some of you as you might think, as many dropped down from the higher vibrations to experience the lower ones. Life at all times is a matter of finding a level that gives you a chance to evolve in a direction chosen by you. However, if you have expressed an interest in a specific experience, as long as it adds to your growth it will not be denied you. It is the same where the amount you take on is concerned, as long as you can handle it.
This message comes through my Higher Self. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light