
Sunday, April 24, 2016

Michael Salla Update - US Navy Spies Learned of Italian Secret Space Program Led by Marconi

Italian Secret Space Program

A former U.S. Naval Intelligence operative, William Tompkins, shared his knowledge about the existence of an Italian secret space program in today’s episode of ExoNews TV. He claims that U.S. Navy spies embedded in Nazi Germany’s top aerospace industries had learned about this Italian program, and briefed a covert Naval Intelligence group, including Tompkins, who was stationed at Naval Air Station, San Diego from 1942 to 1946.

Tompkins testimony corroborates Fascist-era documents that in 1933, Italy began a Top Secret study of a captured flying saucer, which was headed by famed Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi.

According to documents released in the late 1990’s, Benito Mussolini came into the possession of a UFO on June 13, 1933, which had an unknown flying saucer design and origin. After extensive analysis, Italian researchers concluded the documents were authentic and confirmed the first UFO crash retrieval in recorded history – 14 years prior to the famed July 1947 Roswell Crash.

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