The most highly classified space program currently in existence emerged out of a secret alliance between Nazi Germany and Reptilian extraterrestrials, according to whistleblower Corey Goode. In his most recent interview on Cosmic Disclosure, Goode explained the origins of the “Dark Fleet” as the secret space program established by German Secret Societies and the Nazi SS in Antarctica during the Second World War era.
During his interview, Goode described how the Dark Fleet is currently comprised entirely of humans drawn from all over the world who have a totalitarian ideology initially inspired by Nazi ideals:
looked very stern, very arrogant, like they felt very elite. They wore
black stormtrooper kind of clothes, just very stern like. Very
totalitarian acting. And a lot of the people that ended up going into
this program came from a lot of the German secret society Nazi kind of
all we’ve really known about them is that they fight . . . They’re an
offensive force. They are for going and doing offensive type of work
alongside the Draco. They go outside the solar system on, I guess,
conquests or defending Draco territory, helping the Draco on military
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