The “Hidden Hand Dialogue” is a set of questions and answers given by a self-described Illuminati insider and members of the Above Top Secret Forum that was recorded in October 2008. The insider responds to questions in a sincere and consistent way, and reveals valuable information about the secret control mechanisms used by an elite group of insiders he calls “The Family”.
Among the many insights s/he gives is that the leadership of the family is very much aligned with a group of extraterrestrial visitors. If genuine, the Hidden Hand dialogues provide many answers to how our world is secretly run, how the extraterrestrial question applies to it, and what may happen as we approach what many describe as an “Ascension Event.”
The Hidden Hand dialogue is based on the premise that secret elite groups control our planet and have been doing so for millennia. These elite groups have been described as the “Illuminati,” the “Incunabula,” “Nephilim,” etc., in books such as Rule By Secrecy, Gods of Eden, and The Biggest Secret. The basic idea is that a select group of families with distinct bloodlines have accumulated power and pass this on from one generation to another. In fact, this is precisely how the insider (the “Hidden Hand”) introduces him- or herself, and describes the group to which he belongs:
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