Decisive attacks against Khazarian mafia unfolding in Poland, Turkey, Washington DC, Japan and elsewhere
The battle to liberate the planet earth is unfolding at an ever more dramatic pace as the Khazarian human slavers come under attack in their strongholds of Poland, Turkey, Ukraine, the US, Japan and elsewhere. At the same time as this take-down of the Khazarian mafia continues to accelerate, high level East-West negotiations towards a new financial system are proceeding in a smooth and friendly manner, according to multiple sources directly involved in the negotiations.
First about the mafia take-down. The main theater of action is now Turkey, which has become a pariah state. There are growing signs that a short but very intense war to take down the Turkish fascist regime is about to begin.
The clearest sign was the fact the US military removed all military family members from Turkey last week. They did that during a time when Turkish President Recep Erdogan was visiting the United States, in other words, when the US could keep him hostage if he tried to prevent the evacuation of Americans from Turkey. The fact that no US government officials met with Turkey’s Erdogan, on the surface the President of a major NATO ally, while he visited the United States is a very visible sign his regime is not going to be protected if Russia attacks it.
A clear sign Russia will attack is the fact that Russia has officially called for a sealing of the Turkish, Syrian border. Such a call is a warning that war will follow if it is not heeded.
Israel, a country with an impressive track record of evacuating its citizens immediately prior to major violent incidents, has also been evacuating its citizens from Turkey.
Russian government officials, meanwhile, have blamed “a third force” for provoking fighting between Christian Armenia and Muslim Azerbaijan and well as fomenting trouble in the Middle East and elsewhere in central Asia.
Since Turkish troops and agents have been spotted in most of these trouble spots, it is obvious Turkey is deeply involved with this “third force,” which is almost certainly the Khazarian mafia.
Egypt has also asked Israel not to allow Turkey to stage military activity in the Gaza strip or in the Sinai Peninsula. Turkey’s Erdogan regime has criticized Egypt’s government as being illegitimate after it ousted the Khazarian mafia backed “Muslim” Brotherhood government there.
The overall isolation of Turkey and its impossible military situation mean the “ISIS” campaign to seize the Middle East’s $2 trillion in annual oil revenues is doomed.
The gnostic illuminati, the first organization to mention ISIS in public, seeing its ISIS campaign in disarray, has now issued a new set of warnings. According to illuminati grandmaster “Alexander Romanov,” the illuminati will
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