That is what SHOULD have happened, if the United States of America, Inc. run by the Federal Reserve and the Secretary of the Treasury had been doing their jobs and if their named Successors to contract and Bankruptcy Trustees had been doing their jobs, either.
As it is, they self-interestedly were NOT doing their jobs. So now you have to take things in your own hands and make it perfectly clear to them and to their creditors and to the entire world exactly who and what you are, by going back and doing what should have been done from the outset:
Claim your name(s), record them with the Land Recorder’s Office, and at the same time, declare your political status and emancipation.
First Step:
Declaration of Political Status
To all whom it may concern, I, a living woman known as anna riezinger of big lake, alaska, of sound mind and body, a Caucasian of age, not indigent, not penniless, a landlord having been born on the portion of the North American Continent claimed by the united States of America and under their political dominion and more particularly on the land area recognized to be under the political dominion of the wisconsin state, and having been born politically free and politically independent, I claim to have been born one of the progeny of the People of the United States as they styled and established themselves in the Preamble of The Constitution for the united States of America and am one of the free, sovereign, and independent people of the United States as defined in The Definitive Treaty of Paris, 1783, and am a beneficiary —not of any Public Charitable Trust— but of The United States Trust; I do freely and under penalty of perjury under the Common Law declare that I have never, ever, willingly, knowingly, and intentionally—having first been fully informed of the negative consequences—voluntarily subjected myself or my property to the authority of the British Crown nor any other artificial political or religious or commercial incorporation and I see no convincing evidence that I ever engaged in any process of naturalization as mandated by United States Statute-at-Large stipulated in the public record at SEVENTH CONGRESS, Session 1, Chapter 28, Sections 1-4, April 14, 1802, which would serve to make me or anyone in my family any form of United States Citizen however styled.
As a beneficiary of The United States Trust merely administered by The United States of America I am entitled and enabled to take against any codicil of the Will established by other beneficiaries and I here declare that I have taken umbrage (offense or annoyance) against both the Constitution of the United States of America charter and its various By-Law Amendments made since 1868 and the New Deal announced by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933.
If there should be any evidence to the contrary, let it here be established that any such evidence would only be in existence due to fraud and non-disclosure and adhesion and other improper, unlawful, and illegal contracting practices forbidden by the Common Law, the Law of Admiralty, and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, and all those United Nations Declarations and Treaties that the United States of America, Incorporated, has agreed to —resulting in press-ganging, inland piracy, unlawful conversion, and secretive change of political status resulting in theft from me, the Holder in Due Coarse of my paramount identity, and Breach of Trust owed to me. These criminal acts of non-disclosure and self-interested omission resulting in falsified evidence are not consensual, not to my advantage, and not of my intentional making. By many Maxims of Law all such evidences, claims, and contracts are void ab initio (from the beginning) and those advancing such claims would be admitted criminals.
Any such documents that might be ascribed to me are lawfully authorized under the universal Law of Necessity as the fruit of the fraudulent practices and claims set forth in the paragraph above and such documents, if there be any, do not establish any valid contract or agreement rendering me subject to any foreign power nor serve to make me a debtor, voluntary conscript, or chattel acting as surety for any artificial en legis (creature of the law, artificial person) entity.
Be it also known that I am a peaceful and non-combatant woman and not an enemy of any state or people and I freely release and discharge all judges and justices from any obligation to impose statutory military law per Section 17 of the Trading With the Enemy Act as Amended by the Banking Emergency Act of 1934 in any case whatsoever brought before them and bearing my name in any style; and, I hereby record that I do not consent to any statutory military court proceedings related to me or my person(s) in the past, do not consent to any statutory military court proceedings related to me or my person(s) in the present, and do not consent to any statutory military court proceedings related to me or my person(s) in the future: I do not consent once, I do not consent twice, I do not consent three times, but I do accept the oaths of all judges and justices to support and defend The Constitution, I do accept their obligation to operate in amity and friendship in perpetuity with respect to me and my person(s) and vessels in commerce guaranteed by The Definitive Treaty of Peace 1783, The Treaty of Westminster 1794, and their obligation to perform with good faith under the Bar Association Treaty of 1947.
My principle of law is the American Common Law and my court is a court of record on the land of the united States of America and cannot be construed as the Common Law of Admiralty; I claim the Saving to Suitors Clause of the Northwest Ordinance in all matters and issues pertaining to me and my property.
My money is the United States Silver Dollar. All funds deposited, transferred, or disbursed from accounts associated with me or operated under my name are to be denominated as lawful money and all accounts may only be exercised as fiduciary operating accounts and not interpreted otherwise.
To the extent that others may have criminally misrepresented and mischaracterized me for the purpose of press-ganging me and plundering and pillaging my estate in my artificially contrived absence and caused there to be confusion and false claims regarding my identity, nature, activities and political status I here affirm that I have returned home with a clear conscience and uninterrupted loyalty to my country and there can be no truthful or competent evidence otherwise. As one of those protected by Section 1 of the 14th Amendment of the corporate charter known as the Constitution of the United States of America and Section 9 of the Trading With the Enemy Act Appendix, I accept the oath of the Alien Property Custodian and the United States Treasurer to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America (Inc.) and their obligation to release and return my property free and clear of any damage resulting from their seizure of it, free of all debt, tithes, fees, encumbrances, liens, attachments, secondary titles and deeds held under color of law, involuntary and non-consensual capitulation of my name, forced use of private script in place of lawful money, appointments of usufructs (rights of enjoying something in which he has no title) and other impositions, confiscations, and false presumptions made against me and my private property.
It has never been my knowing and free and voluntary Will express or implied to provide any incorporated entity with the benefit of my body or estate — nor was it my free and willing and knowing act to ever subject my son eric belcher of big lake, alaska, to any such presumption. I never deserted my son from the moment of conception nor have I knowingly allowed him to be interpreted as an abandoned vessel subject to maritime salvage by any incorporated entity nor have I voluntarily appointed any such incorporated entity as his Trustee or usufruct (false claimant of something in which he has no right) at any time.
It has never been my knowing and free and voluntary Will express or implied to grant my power of attorney to any incorporated entity.
As the lawful copyright Holder in Due Course of the Trade Names Anna Riezinger and Anna Maria Riezinger and Anna M. Riezinger and as the creator and Holder of the copyrighted pen names Anna von Reitz and Anna M. Riezinger-von Reitz and all derivatives thereof, all autographs, signatures, trademarks, symbols, numbers and seals including all derivatives of any such symbolic representations of me, I consider use of these symbols by anyone pretending to act in my behalf without my explicit and knowing consent obtained under conditions of full disclosure a criminal trespass, infringement, and act of identity theft.
All such exercise of my imprimaturs (licenses to copy or print) without my free and knowing consent results in contracts violated by fraud and force. Should any evidences otherwise exist they can only exist as evidence of self-interested crime against me and my nature and estate and as evidence of similar intentional self-interested crime against my progeny as well.
I am set free to exercise my dominion over the jurisdictions of air, land, and sea and no one may otherwise address me or offer any contrary presumption from the beginning to this day and forever afterward: I was, I am, I will be a living heir to the covenant of faith and the covenant of love and I am a true woman of God.
As I am the only one having true and first-hand knowledge of my nature, my Will, my intentions, my knowledge at any given time, my actions, their meaning or anything else about me— every word that drops from my lips concerning me is a Matter of Fact and all else is hearsay.
In support of the above declarations made in truth and with good faith and standing this _______day of April 2016: ____________________________________________non-negotiable autograph and seal by anna riezinger for Anna Riezinger all rant and Deed of Trust
rights reserved.
Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals. Witness in no way transfers the Issuer of this Declaration from his original jurisdiction on the land and creates no change in the origin of this Declaration.
Witness and Acknowledgement
In the Matanuska-Susitna County of the Alaska State:
Today, the ______day of April in the calendar year 2016 appeared before me, a commissioned Notary, the woman known to me as Anna Riezinger and she did autograph and seal this Declaration of Political Status as shown; _____________________________________Notary; my commission expires on:________________ and my seal is set hereon.
***** I accept the Witness and Acknowledgement of the Notary as an act of good faith service and friendship: _____________________________________non-negotiable autograph and seal by anna riezinger for Anna Riezinger, all rights reserved.*****
Second Step:
Grant and Deed of Trust
I, the living woman, anna of the Lawful House Riezinger, hereby declare that I am the Holder in Due Course of the Trade Names Anna Riezinger and Anna Maria Riezinger and Anna M. Riezinger which were bequeathed to me as gifts by my biological parents the day I was born on June 6th of the calendar year 1956.
I retain the copyright and control of these Trade Names and all associated derivative names, signs, seals, numbers and symbols however styled which in any way claim to represent me or which seem to represent me or my property interests. No use of them in association with me or my private property is allowed absent my explicit and knowing consent obtained under conditions of full disclosure.
I am also the Holder in Due Course of the seal and the trademark clearly imprinted and described below which I retain for my private and exclusive use without exception and these do provide additional proof upon my Will or any public acts that they are executed by me and with my approval
Thumbprint, right hand, seal
Trademark : red, white, and blue bars lower left to upper in red ink. right, three white Hawthorn blossoms in the blue bar.
I also created and retain copyright of the following pen names: Anna von Reitz and Anna M. Riezinger-von Reitz as of October 1, 1981.
These marks and symbols and Trade Names and pen names are property belonging to me as of June 6, 1956 or the date of their creation and I fully grant and deed them to together with any derivatives thereof to myself for my own use without exception.
In support of the above declarations made in truth and with good faith and standing this _______day of April 2016: ____________________________________________non-negotiable autograph and seal by anna riezinger for Anna Riezinger all rights reserved.
Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals. Witness in international jurisdiction in no way transfers the Issuer of this Grant and Deed of Trust from her original jurisdiction on the land and creates no change in the origin of this Grant and Deed of Trust.
Witness and Acknowledgement
In the Matanuska County of the Alaska State:
Today, the ______day of March in the calendar year 2016 appeared before me, a commissioned Notary, the woman known to me as Anna Riezinger and she did autograph and seal this Grant and Deed of Trust as shown; _____________________________________Notary; my commission expires on:________________ and my seal is set hereon.
***** i accept the Witness and Acknowledgement of the Notary as an act of good faith service and friendship: _________________________________________non-negotiable autograph and seal by anna riezinger for Anna Riezinger all rights reserved.*****
Step 3:
Record of Name(s) Affidavit
In this case the name anna also called anna riezinger and anna maria riezinger refers to a living woman born the sixth of June in the calendar year 1956, a native to wisconsin and second daughter of lavera and emmett of the Lawful House Riezinger, biological heir and beneficiary of her parents, her land, her house, her names, all trademarks and symbols and accounts and earthly estate in sum total:
Anna Maria refers to a living woman born on the land of the county referred to as the magisterial judicial district of Clark County, a beneficiary of the Divine Estate, and the United States Trust, superior to and set apart from all commercial rules and entities.
Anna Maria Riezinger is a Trade Name belonging to the non-combatant living woman bequeathed to her on June 6, 1956 by her biological parents, mistakenly registered as a commercial vessel enfranchised by the State of Wisconsin which was itself a franchise of the bankrupt United States of America, Incorporated, that same year. This Trade Name should have been recorded as an unincorporated business operating on the land jurisdiction of the organic states instead of being registered as a foreign situs trust operating in the foreign jurisdiction of the sea—- a mistake and disservice for which the living beneficiary seeks full correction and remedy.
ANNA MARIA RIEZINGER – a non-combatant commercial vessel structured as a Foreign Grantor Trust rightly belonging to the living beneficiary who is the same woman native to wisconsin but mistakenly created as a franchise of the UNITED STATES which acquired all franchises and property of the bankrupt United States of America, Incorporated, and which then acted as a usufruct to establish new franchises benefiting itself – a circumstance for which the living beneficiary seeks full correction and cure as required by Article IV of the still potent Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666: “should the dead Man should he be found alive” all property held in his name must be returned to him free and clear of debts, liens, and other encumbrances established by presumed secondary beneficiaries. The establishment of this
ESTATE trust is again a mistake and disservice for which the living beneficiary seeks full correction and cure.
ANNA M. RIEZINGER is a public transmitting utility which has been created by USA, INC. acting as an usufruct of yet another merely presumed secondary beneficiary of the living woman and her estate, a mistake and disservice for which she claims full correction and remedy.
Anna von Reitz and Anna M. Riezinger-von Reitz are both pen names created by the living woman called anna maria riezinger on or about October 1, 1981, to which she retains all lawful claim and copyright for her use from that day forward.
I, anna, the lawful Holder in Due Course and Entitlement Holder of all property bequeathed to me including my given names and names created by me, being of age and sound mind and body, not indigent, not penniless, not incompetent, and not at fault for the mismanagement and bad faith of those entrusted to care for my property, request immediate correction of the records and reconveyance of all property held or formerly held in my name(s) plus settlement of my accounts reflecting the fact that I am not a decedent, not unknown, and not a pauper.
I, anna, a true woman of God, have never knowingly, willingly, or voluntarily sought any benefit from nor accepted any office or role as an administrator or co-trustee or co-beneficiary of the Public Charitable Trust (PCT) established for the benefit of displaced plantation slaves in the wake of the American Civil War, say that I am not a slave or former slave, not an indentured servant of any kind, not under any kind or condition of color, not a corporation, not an artificial person, not a taxpayer, not a United States citizen of any style or stripe, not now and not ever considering such citizenship a benefit, and not subject to the limitations of any civil rights conferred upon me, not seeking welfare, not employed by any franchise of any governmental services corporation, not seeking any corporate privilege, not stateless and not in need of any political asylum, not a member of any political party, religion, or cult, not an enemy toward any people or state.
As I, anna, a true woman of God, am the only one having any first-hand knowledge of my Will, my knowledge, my intentions, or my nature, every word that falls from my lips and every act that proceeds from my hand is a Matter of Fact and all else is hearsay.
So said and so done this ______day of April in the calendar year 2016: by anna riezinger for Anna Riezinger:_______________________________________________all rights reserved.
Step 4:
Notice of Emancipation
In accordance with the Emancipation Proclamation issued by Executive Order of President Abraham Lincoln On January 1, 1863 and the still-standing order of Abraham Lincoln acting as Commander-in-Chief of the United States Army and Navy, all Federal Officers and Government Officials in every capacity and at every level are given Notice of the following:
1. “That on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three (1863), all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free; and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.” — President and Commander-in-Chief, Abraham Lincoln (boldface added).
2. That numerous persons named after states and people have been press-ganged, kidnapped, and enslaved for the profit of private, mostly foreign-owned corporations and that those persons have been deliberately manipulated by those responsible so as to bring false claims against the actual states of the union and the actual people of the United States;
3. That all these persons are considered slaves and treated as criminals by definition under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America and that they do or have in the past included a foreign situs trust called Anna Maria Riezinger, a Cestui Que Vie ESTATE trust called ANNA MARIA RIEZINGER, and a public transmitting utility called ANNA M. RIEZINGER;
4. That all these similarly named corporate franchises have been created and operated without the knowing consent and agreement of the free-born living woman anna maria riezinger who was never told about this abuse of her given name this infringement upon her copyright and this disrespect of her position as Holder in Due Course and Entitlement Holder of her earthly estate and who is not at fault for the mismanagement of these corporate franchises;
5. That the living woman anna maria riezinger is not deceived and is owed her freedom and her estate free and clear of all false presumptions, claims, debts, deliberate confusions and acts of personage against her and against her private property including her inherited Trade Names: Anna Riezinger, Anna Maria Riezinger, and Anna M. Riezinger;
6. That the living woman anna maria riezinger relies upon the Emancipation Proclamation to secure the willing and ready assistance she requires of all federal officials and officers at every level including federal state and territory officials to honor and assist in emancipating –that is—liquidating all of the en legis slaves on paper that have been named after her and used as a means to control and defraud her of her natural estate.
Step 5:
Claim of Life Estate
This shows that the life estate of anna maria riezinger dba Anna Maria Riezinger is due and owing to the lawful heir and:
–that the beneficiary stands on the land jurisdiction of the United States;
–that the beneficiary is of age;
–that the beneficiary is not an infant nor a decedent nor a corporation;
–that the beneficiary grants her names and estates to herself:
__________________ anna
Prepared by: anna maria riezinger
for: Anna Maria Riezinger
c/o Post Office Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska RR 99652
[With a great, big, fat adult footprint autographed: footprint of anna maria riezinger born on six June year of our Lord nineteen hundred fifty-six in neillsville, wisconsin, taken April second of two thousand sixteen in big lake, alaska]
anna maria riezinger, all rights reserved.
Step 6:
Seal the bottom right hand corner of all these documents with your thumbprint and file them with the nearest land recorder’s office and ask to pay the nine dollar 1802 tax to reconvey your estate. Get at least three certified copies.
Record these documents along with the Authenticated Long Form Certificate of Live Birth that the State Secretary of State and US Secretary of State have signed as being authentic, and the other documents which Kurt Kallenbach has developed for these purposes.
Taken together these actions provide ironclad documentation that you are you and that you have claimed your estate.
Send a Certified Copy to the United States Treasurer Rosa Gumataotao Rios and a copy of the copy to the Secretary of the Treasury requesting correction of their records and release of your estate.
And if they don’t promptly do so, invoke the office of the United States Marshals acting as Federal Marshals to arrest them for violation of their international fiduciary trust obligations.