Amazing UFO Stalks ISS and then takes off in another direction - April 2016
UFO hunters monitoring NASA’s ISS live stream channel
have reported spotting a giant “alien UFO spacecraft” approaching the
International Space Station (ISS) in low Earth orbit. The latest
discovery has set the online UFO community abuzz, with many UFO
researchers challenging NASA to explain away the latest glaring evidence
of alien UFO traffic around the ISS.
UFO conspiracy theorists claim that the latest sighting is yet another example of ongoing top-secret “exopolitical” activity in space involving Earth governments and extraterrestrial races that has implications to Earth’s security.
The “alien UFO spacecraft” was spotted flying close to the ISS on the live ISS stream on April 5, 2016, by several eagle-eyed UFO hunters, including UFOvni2012.
According to the YouTube UFO hunter UFOvni2012,
while observing the live ISS stream on April 5, 2016, he spotted at
about 1:21 p.m. central European time a glaring anomaly, undeniably a
UFO, lurking on the horizon but close to the space station.
Other UFO researchers who also spotted the massive object hovering mysteriously in the background with a distinct blue-glow-infused metallic glint have described it as a “Millennium Falcon-type” UFO, a reference to a type of starship from the popular Star Wars series.
“It was a metallic object, it looks
like a Millennium Falcon from Star Wars or something from Close
Encounters of the Third Kind.”
UFOvni2012 snapped four screenshots of the UFO before it disappeared
from sight. The UFO hunter, however, expressed regret that the
screenshots were not comparable in clarity and sharpness to the original
high-resolution images from NASA’s HD cameras. While two screenshots
show the UFO, the sighting on NASA’s original live feed gave a much more
impressive view of the UFO, according to UFOvni2012.
“It was so unquestionably real and present,” he said.
The UFO hunter was so impressed with the sighting that he reported it to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a non-profit organization that documents and investigates reports of UFO sightings.
In the report filed in the MUFON database as Case 75648,
the UFO hunter explained that he was unable to snap more than four
screenshots because NASA cut the live feed after the fourth screenshot.
The live feed remained down for nearly an hour, the UFO hunter said. UFO hunters have often accused NASA of cutting the live ISS feed to hide UFO evidence in space.
The UFO researcher judged that the mysterious object was travelling
in the same direction as the ISS in low Earth orbit. Because the UFO
appeared to be keeping pace with the ISS travelling at a speed of tens
of thousands of miles per hour around the Earth, he concluded it must
have been traveling at the same speed as the space station.
Although skeptics have argued that the alleged UFO could have been the cigar-shaped Chinese Tiangong 1 space station or one of the thousands of orbiting debris, UFO hunters are hardly surprised at the latest sighting near the ISS.
‘Glowing metallic UFO’ near ISS in low Earth orbit, according to conspiracy theorists [Image via NASA/Live ISS Stream]
According to exopolitics researchers, UFOs often seen lurking in space around the ISS belong to alien races, such as the Greys,
who have allegedly signed treaties with Earth governments. Other UFOs
could belong to other alien races also seeking to establish treaties
with governments.
A former NASA employee and whistle-blower, Clark C. McClelland, alleged
that he once stumbled upon a sighting he was not meant to see while
working with NASA. While monitoring a top-secret Pentagon Space Shuttle
mission at the Kennedy Space Center’s Launch Control Center (LCC), he
watched for a total of about minute and seven seconds as a nine-foot
tall alien with humanoid form interacted with two tethered U.S.
astronauts. He also saw an alien UFO in orbit near the Space Shuttle’s
main engine pods.
Exopolitics conspiracy theorists claim that during the late stages of the Second World War, U.S. intelligence agencies obtained information that the Nazis and Adolf Hitler had signed a secret military technology transfer agreement with an extraterrestrial race known as the Reptilians. As part of the terms of the agreement, the Reptilians sent technical experts to Nazi Germany to speed up the Nazi V-2 rocket project.
The Nazis would have achieved major breakthroughs and rapid advances
in military and spacecraft propulsion systems technology had the allies
not panicked at the news and pushed to end the war within months after
the treaty was allegedly signed.
Members of the online UFO community claim that since the Second World
War, various technologically advanced alien races have been jostling
each other to conclude treaties with Earth governments, especially the
U.S. government, which emerged the most powerful nation-state on Earth
following the defeat of the Nazis.
image: An artist’s impression of a Reptilian alien [Image via Shutterstock]
Based on claims about exopolitical relations between Earth
governments and major extraterrestrial races in the post-World War II
era, it appears that some alien races had assumed the Nazis would emerge
victorious in the global armed struggle of the 1940s and had thus
rushed to conclude treaties with them that included advanced technology
transfer agreements.
According to exopolitics researchers, alien races such as the
Reptilians had concluded treaties with the Nazis before they realized
the Nazis were losing the war.
A YouTube video that recently went viral in the conspiracy theory
blogosphere claims the U.S. government was aware that the Nazi V-2
rocket project in the late stages of the war was being conducted with
technical assistance from extraterrestrial Reptilians.
Following U.S. victory and the implementation of Operation Paper Clip,
through which top German rocket scientists were brought to the U.S. to
work on the country’s space program, several alien races, including the
Reptilians, Greys and Nordic aliens (aka Pleiadian aliens), jostled each other to conclude treaties with the U.S. government as the world’s new superpower nation.
The Greys managed to outmaneuver the Nordics and reportedly concluded a treaty with the administration of President Dwight Eisenhower in 1954, according to exopolitics researchers.