5th March 2016
By Zen Gardner

What we collectively do with this
information is one thing; what we individually do with it is the key. We
either activate, or we don’t. The more who do, the greater the mass awakening.
With or without the masses, the awakening is coming to pass anyway,
come what may. That’s the wonderfully exciting reality being masked by
this engineered insanity in the external insanosphere.
What the naysayers and foot-draggers do
with these exposed truths is their business, as well as their demise if
they choose to ignore what is becoming more obvious by the minute…
The onus is on humanity. Individually,
not collectively. And the alternative to waking up and “paying
attention” is becoming crystal clear to anyone consciously witnessing
what’s going on now, while the gloriously empowering benefits of
grabbing hold of the awakening and running with it are exponentially
The Proof is in the Dot Connected Pudding
First of all, you’re in the wrong
mindset if you’re looking only for data or left brained evidence that
the psycho-parasitic manipulators are in their death throes,
although that too is out there in spades for those who can see. When we
come to understand the vibrational workings of our holographic reality
everything takes on new dimensions and opens us up to understanding
these more esoteric notions.
Those with awakened hearts can feel
this. I say hearts because much of what we need to grasp or at least
track is intuitive and somewhat metaphysical
in nature. Taking all of the information and dot connecting and
personal spiritual experience together paints very clear pictures, we
just need to trust what we’re seeing and learning. When we explore these
realities we’re sensing, we start to notice how they’re manifesting.
Forbidding free speech, shooting civilians with no cause, obviously propagandized news,
wars with no possible end, deliberate poisoning, starvation and dumbing
down of populations are all completely transparent. Add these next
levels of technotronic and genetic morphings and the picture is as plain
as day.
They’re as obvious as the desperate, flailing, and dying aberrant parasitical species that they are.
It’s kind of a conscious or spiritual
symbiosis we’re experiencing as our awakening dissolves their
machinations. They all work together in the grand scheme of the
Universal blender. But ignoring the spiritual and metaphysical as
“evidence” in conjunction with such obvious manifestations is why this
world has devolved into its current state. Previous enlightened
civilizations and earth connected tribes took this type of understanding
to heart. Our current imposed paradigm does nothing of the sort.
Of course, because it only exposes their perfidy.
Truth Is Being Revealed Exponentially
Despite the furious efforts of the
world’s Machiavellian destroyers, humanity is waking up. In our current
paradigm, we’re seeing significant progress in exposing the ongoing brutal invasions and exterminations of defenseless populations; the mass revelation of geoengineering and other neo-scientific programs, the disastrous effects of EMFs of every source, genetic manipulation,
techtronic surveillance and monitoring, and the front and center
clearly induced global war and the carefully sculpted militarized fascist clampdown of society.
We’re in the thick of it now. But it’s revealing itself as we speak.
Don’t let these events and seeming
contests of phony ideology throw you. There’s nothing level about this
playing field, despite the mass narrative being so strong and
persistent. Don’t even listen to it. Rely on your heart and trustworthy
alternative sources. Their only weapon is our consent by yielding to
their lies and adopting their mindset.
That cannot be done with first of all our awareness of it, but most of all our permission and compliance.
The List Continues – Their Machinations are to No Avail
Just look at what an obvious mockery all this staged political nonsense
has become. People are disengaging from this idiocy at an exponential
rate, as well as deserting mainstream media. Newspapers are even
reporting half of all Americans now literally hate their government.
Here’s one finding, showing that about half of Americans now think the federal government poses an “immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens.” (source)
On a more positive note, look how many
archaeological and other mainstream science discoveries are coming to
light with massive ramifications, and the true historical facts and
perspectives surfacing that are revolutionizing our perception of how
society evolved with immense ramifications. It’s an integrated process
moving on humanity from all directions and something very much to be
encouraged about, despite the engineered black back drop designed to
deliberately distract humanity from these revelations of truth.
Take It from Here!
If you need further encouragement, get
involved. You’ll see signs of it everywhere. Major inroads of truth are
being made by the minute as these disgusting forces continue to attempt
to forge their desired goal of a subservient, complacent and even happily servile work force. Damn them with exposure by standing straight and tall, and do it with gusto.
Don’t be deceived, it’s all a wicked
charade. A ploy, a scam: a counterfeit civilization they’re trying to
construct that true conscious humanity is concurrently dissolving by the
hour. To spend time entertaining their hypnotic tripe is to yield to
it. Turn it off.
Watch for it, it’s there.
Disconnect – disobey – and de-enlist. Break your unconscious and conscious agreements. The parasites will shrivel up and disappear.
The time is now. It’s ours for the taking. And receiving.
Much love always, and do keep on boldly.
You Are The Awakening

In order to tap into the limitless
source of our full potential, any change we seek in the world around us
begins with each of us individually. Grounded in this understanding, ‘You Are The Awakening’ will help to inform, empower and encourage anyone who is on this wonderful path of realizing our infinite potential.
‘You Are The Awakening’ is available here on Amazon. You can also order your copy and read reviews from David Icke, Max Igan and many more, here on ZenGardner.com.
May these words inspire and empower you!