episode of Wisdom Teachings began with a rather profound introduction.
David Wilcock made the statement that this information was the most
important of all that he has divulged within the series. That is, that
we as human beings are here for a specific purpose. This purpose is not
based in wealth, power, or anything else within the material. Rather,
our purpose is based within the spiritual. There is an agenda that is
being fulfilled through our experiences. This agenda is that each of us
learn to be more loving, more kind, generous, and forgiving. No matter
what situation we find ourselves in, this purpose, in one way or
another, is playing out in our everyday experiences.
I find it interesting, yet not surprising that this may be a true
purpose in life. It would make sense, as every major religion holds
these as core values (though many of these religions tend to stray from
these values when it comes down to practical application). It is
possible that at some point, these faiths were more accurate, but over
time, became distorted.