Just Say No to Partial Disclosure!

High-level briefings have now revealed the Powers that Were are attempting to push for a "partial disclosure" timeline with a 100-year roll-out period.
Thanks to the efforts of the Alliance, they are being forced to let go of a great deal of their power -- but this is definitely not the future we want.
The knowledge of this predicament, and of how it depends on us, has had profound implications on the personal level as well.
That is the main focus of this article before we get back to reporting on the greater planetary and celestial aspects of the battle for disclosure.
This article is also intended as an apology and explanation for why we haven't written a major article in about 100 days, as a dream pointed out this morning.
First of all, this article is strictly personal until near the end. Not much "new information" here unless you like transient gossip and want to know the dealio.
Wait a minute... you're still reading. Are you sure you want to do this? OK, fine. Go ahead. It's just fine.
The "real article" will be finished soon enough. It will be more of what you are accustomed to seeing here -- with lots of links and insights.
No matter what costs of negative greeting are involved, I am going to blast through it. Period. You will understand why I am saying this as you read on.
Our next piece needs an entirely new intro in order to make it as current as possible and relevant to what is happening.
Our last major article on this site was at the end of November -- right after Turkey, a NATO ally, shot down a Russian jet that was defeating ISIS.
DISCLOSURE SHOWDOWN was very well received. It also caused a massive increase in the attacks I encountered in my personal life.
Since these are personal by definition, I cannot get into details -- but when combined with an extremely busy schedule it has made things crushingly difficult.