Evidence trail leads to Turkey as Khazarian mafia world network continues to fall apart
Last week Russian President Vladimir Putin threatened Turkish president Recep Erdogan that he will “restore Constantinople (Istanbul) to Christendom and protect Russian maritime security by liberating the Dardanelles and Bosphorus straits”, Pentagon sources say. “This has been the plan all along as borders will be redrawn, with Turkey expelled from Cyprus and balkanized,” they added.
This may be what prompted Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu to fly to Iran and seek peace between the Sunni and Shia factions of Islam.
If the two sides agree to a peace deal, this could mean the 1384 year-old split between the two factions of Islam might end. That is what the Turks are hoping for to counter the Russian, Western military alliance that was formalized when the Pope and the Russian Orthodox Patriarch met on February 12th, a first since 962 years ago.
However, the situation may not be that easy to resolve because of deep Turkish involvement in the Nazi coup d’etat that took place in the US on September 11th, 2001. It now seems the choice of that date for the attack on the US was linked to the fact that September 11, 1683 was the date the last Turkish attempt to convert Christian Europe by force of arms failed. This was when the siege of Vienna was lifted by a Christian coalition just hours before a giant Turkish gunpowder mine was set to blow open the walls protecting Vienna.
The Nazi/Turkish link has deep roots in history. It can be traced to Hitler’s number 3, Rudolf Hess, who was brought up in Egypt. His resentment of the West traces to the fact that his family’s fortune was confiscated by the victorious allies after World War I. Hess was also a member of a Turkish secret society with ancient historical links to the German Thule Society and the Italian fascist P2 Freemason lodge. These groups have long sought revenge against the West for the destruction of the German, Hapsburg and Ottoman Turkish empires after that war.
In the run up to World War II, according to British intelligence and other sources, the Germans and the Turks trained hundreds of thousands of Muslim brotherhood activists to fight against British and French rule in the Middle East. They sent many of these trained fighters and pseudo-Muslim “fundamentalists” to Saudi Arabia after World War II. This group morphed into Al Qaeda and now ISIS.
Their latest maneuver has been to flood Europe with Muslim refugees in what the Pope has denounced as an “Arab invasion.” The Turks and their Saudi plus Nazi allies retaliated to this criticism by killing four nuns and 12 others in Yemen.
The perpetrators of this attack are not Muslims but rather worship an entity they call the Black Sun but which true believers have long known as Satan.
This Satanic network is now being systematically dismantled in ways that are visible even in the controlled Western corporate media. The rise of US presidential candidate Donald Trump is a key example of this. Last week Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker of the US House of Representatives, on US nation-wide Fox TV, said the Republican establishment was terrified of Trump because “He’s not one of them…he has not been through the initiation rites, he does not belong to the secret society.”
This has prompted multiple death threats against Trump, starting with Fuhrer George Bush Sr. but including others.
However, the fact is this time it is the Bushes who are running scared. According to the Pentagon sources, the recent trip by Russian Orthodox head Kirill to Paraguay “was a message to the Bushes they are not safe anywhere.” The arrested Mexican drug lord and Bush agent El Chapo is being deprived of sleep until he agrees to be extradited to the US to testify against the Bush/Clinton mafia, the sources add.
Also, the takedown of Hillary Clinton is moving along quite rapidly. Hillary’s lesbian lover and aide Huma Abedin has been indicted, her IT guy has been given immunity in exchange for testimony and a grand jury is busy interviewing people to see who will be subpoenaed for her upcoming indictment. Charges will include leaking state secrets and using the Clinton Foundation like a secret government among other things, FBI sources say.
Another obvious sign that it is not business and usual is the fact that David de Rothschild, head of the Swiss branch of the Rothschild banking family, is on the run from the police.
David de Rothschild’s name came up frequently in negotiations between the White Dragon Society and other Western secret societies before the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear attack against Japan.
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