I have been wanting to write this
article for over a month. I knew 2016 was a 9 year which represents the
upper section of the infinity symbol 8. I knew it was telling me that
we were in the year of upper consciousness, but there was more. So, I
waited…..then I started seeing 7’s everywhere. The first thing I felt
was that the 7 was a path leading to a bridge or a platform. But to
where? Then it hit me! I remembered how we moved above the plane to a
new location last year. I drew the 7 over the 8, with the upper part of
the seven going through the middle of the 8, and it all just unfolded.
I did the numerology for the years from 2012 to present, and it now
makes sense. All of the articles I have been writing fell into place.
I have to say that this is my clairvoyant interpretation of what I have
experienced since 2012. Others may not agree, which is fine. I know
there is nothing new under the sun, but this work is my original
December 21, 2012 It all started with the year of the
Great Galactic Alignment that occurred at the end of the 13th Bak’tun in
the Maya long count calendar. This ended the 4th 26,000 Galactic year
cycle that we have experienced on this planet. We are now starting the
5th 26,000 year cycle. The year of 2012 adds up to a 5. 2012 carried
the energy of the number 5, which represents change. Not only are we
starting the 5th galactic cycle, but we were in a 5 energy year. The
13th Bak’tun is connected to the 13th Gate of the Gods that opened up
recently. This is big change.