Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Update 1 – Did the Georgia Guidestones cube reveal the date of the Olympic terror attack?
Will August 14, 2016 be the day “ISIS” attacks the Olympics and World War 3 is set in motion?…

An eagle-eyed reader from Germany has pointed out a possible connection among the Georgia Guidestones cube, the upcoming Rio Olympics terror attack, and the Jewish holiday of Tisha B’Av.
If you are unfamiliar with the Georgia Guidestones cube, it first appeared on the monument in early September of 2014…

…and it was removed and smashed on September 25, 2014…

…(Video link)
If you watch as the woman circles the cube in a clockwise motion, the numbers on the cube faces read 8 – 14 – 20 – 16, so this gives us a date: 8/14/2016 in standard US format. And the inscriptions on the top and bottom of the cube read “MM” and “JAM.” We can only speculate what these letters mean, but looking at the cube as an encoded reference to the time World War 3 begins, I came across some candidate interpretations:
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