"Little Red Caboose"
Friday - 12:00:00 - 2.26.16
Anonymous Intel SITREP
Benevolent Advisors, Sovereign Elders, PROC & Russia Leadership, Pentagon & New Republic special forces completed Operation Sunrise architecture (RV) on Thursday 2.25.16.
The final AIIB/CIPS "performance ping" was sent and received worldwide just after 9pm, after two failed attempts earlier that afternoon (SWIFT equivalent would be MT 760 ping).
Globally now, all CB, T1-T5 banks and digital market platforms have been updated and synced with new rates as well as performing transfer coding.
All US call center and redemption location staff were alerted @ 3PM EST Thursday, simultaneously with cabal "IQD live" announcement (Fox Business News), and prepared for private group conversions.
Thursday's "stand down" order came shortly after midnight -- the reason is still unknown.
Hearing multiple conversion times are scattered across a weekend timeline because uncertainty is needed to protect military and civilian actors involved in the actual "go" event.
Appointment 800#'s have been tested with corresponding zip code assignment, as have all computer conversion / liquidity functions in all 5,500 redemption centers.
The world is simply waiting on China to fire its "shot gun" and begin another portion of their master plan/process.
This source has also been told the actual RV moment will occur effortlessly, like a sunrise climbing over the horizon. So do remain patient, but in a state of readiness in these final hours.
Also, descriptions of yesterday's event as "Little Red Caboose Day" were accurate (The Big Call), with anytime Friday or Saturday being the possible "All Aboard! Day."
We shall see.