Why Spiritual Mastery is a Shattering Process
by Openhandhttp://www.openhandweb.org/
Anyone truly embarking along the spiritual path, must quickly give up the idea that it's easy, or especially, that it will somehow build you up into something. And it's definitely not all 'love and light' - not the true path anyway. In my experience, both of my own journey and in working with countless others, is that Spiritual Mastery is a shattering, breaking down process, that causes you to reconfront past-life trauma and source pain. It's also reflective of the current state of our reality right now. Why is that? What might you expect? How might you deal effectively with what comes up?...
Walking the Spiritual Path
I've encountered many people who'll tell you they've been "walking a particular spiritual approach for so and so years". Yet really, when you dig below the surface, it's clear they're not truly Walking the Spiritual Path. Why not? What does Walking the Spiritual Path really mean?

- It's an all-in, total commitment, in the moment, moment-by-moment surrender. It's definitely not about trying to get something physical. It's certainly not intentional manifesting - who's trying to do that?It's mostly an ego. There comes this moment on the journey, where there's a breaking-down sobbing commitment to the divine. A recognition that this is what you're really here for - to be of selfless service. In this place, you'd practically starve, have everything taken from you, all relationships broken, and yet still see the beauty of it, still celebrate your inviolable connection to the divine. It's a moment by moment commitment, to only, and always, come from your highest truth, as felt deep within your soul.
It's like saying: I'm not going to do another dammed thing, no more wishy-washy half truths, I will do nothing unless I can feel it coming from my soul, even if I die in this place right now. In my experience, the incredible paradox is, there's great joy in this feeling!
All realities come and go
Consider the universe. It is in constant flux, constant change and it is all interconnected. Nothing is solid and fixed - it only at times appears that way. It's all interconnected vibrational energy, all flowing in various waves of direction. At times, eddy currents form in this flow and realities take shape. But still they are not fixed - just like water constantly flowing in and constantly flowing out. No matter how established they seem, as some point, everything caught in them will wash away.

So ultimately, ALL realities become unstable and break down.
That's the place the Earth finds herself in right now - a reality has formed from the karmic 4D layer for a given period, for the collective to explore particular truths - such as "what's fair for all life, not just one form of life?" When the central pillar of that reality - Gaia in this case - has learned what she needed to, then she moves on, encouraging all life to move with her.
So Gaia is has begun unravelling this old reality and is currently building a new one in the 5D. Anyone who is able to expand - within themselves - out of the limits of the physical, through the 4D karmic layer and into the interconnectivity of the 5D, will already be feeling it within their consciousness.
(see... The Process of Transformation from 3D to 5D Earth)
(see... The Process of Transformation from 3D to 5D Earth)
An explosive cauldron of alchemical change
That's why I say this is a breaking down process. Not a building up one. Our connections to the physical reality must break as we penetrate and unravel our karmic veils.
And at the moment, only a very few, in percentage terms, are committed to this. I work with spiritual people all over the world, and barely without exception, they have incarnated into families, most members of which, are still stuck, still identifying with the drama, still asleep. The awake ones mostly feel in a minority, mavericks against the mainstream.
So when a soul truly exerts its power and sovereignty, it's mostly against this dogma and resistance. When you have the courage to be you, that challenges deeply the people around you - when you're doing your unfolding 'job' fully, I observe they'll go either one of three ways:
- start breaking down and unfolding themselves
- hold the space admirably while you get on with it and without interfering
- exert resistance, and dig their feet in, until probably the relationship breaks down.
It's almost impossible for the relationship to sustain in its old form within this divergence of polarity - it's an explosive cauldron of alchemical change.
All the time in the World - but no time to waste
Do I make it sound tough? Well I don't wish to unnecessarily. I don't wish to exaggerate. It's just what I observe, time and time again. And mostly those not in this cauldron, often tend to be in a quasi-state of denial about what the path is really inviting, or else lack of true commitment. Take a pop at me if you like, it's just my truth based on what I observe.

- You might find yourself in this breaking down process. You're genuinely committed to the path, but find things falling apart - your job, your relationships, your general way of living. Don't worry. I see this time and time again in true seekers. Let's be clear, the Earth is in a breaking down process right now in the 3D. And this needs to happen in order to fully establish the 5D. So don't expect your life to be much different. And don't worry - if all is breaking apart, if the layers are being mercilessly peeled off you, then you're exactly where you need to be.
And if your life is not breaking you down or has not, if it's not been challenging you to the core for some considerable time, then maybe you're not yet committed enough? Maybe you're not yet all-in.
In which case, don't worry either. But do explore your commitment. There's still all the time in the world, but the world is changing, so there's definitely no time to waste.
Surrender. Dive all-in.
When you do let go, when you dive over the waterfall with abandon, yes it's going to batter you; yes you'll have to confront many fears, many dark nights of the soul, but when you eventually bob back up to the surface again, all the pounding will have been worth it. You'll have forged true spiritual mastery. Your life will be forever bountiful.
So all you have to do is let go. Surrender. Dive all-in. Let it break you down. All the way back into One.
And to help, we put together this short video on dealing with such challenges on the path. Be inspired...
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(on behalf of Openhand)
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Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living.
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