Tuesday January 12, 2016
The Truth Shall Rise Again in Tennessee
U.S. Military Pivot Escalates
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America - The
latest Israeli-Iranian NAZI Jew psyop involving the alleged kidnapping
of ten (10) American sailors proves once again that puppet, alleged
President Barack Hussein Obama is not in charge of the United States of
America but, instead, Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate stooge "Skull
and Bones" NAZI Jew John Kerry Cohen is calling the shots.
Reference: Activities at the American-Turkish Council in Istanbul
Message to the U.S. Military: Grab the little NAZI Jew, BushFRAUD's 3rd cousin stooge, John Kerry Cohen and do it now!
can also report that the Second American Revolution is well under way
and will take NO prisoners. You either obey the Constitution of the
United States, the Supreme Law of our land, or you will face summary
At this hour, the American Tennessee and Michigan Flag Officers working directly with year 2000 U.S. CONSTITUTION DULY ELECTED,
non-inaugurated, natural born President Albert Gore Jr. are in total
revolutionary mode and are ready to use brute force to liberate the
American People from this Bush-Clinton satanic occupation, restore our
Constitution and Rule of Law and, accordingly, eradicate the entire NAZI
Paperclip Bush-Clinton bloodline.
Again, folks, eradication leads to liberation.
The Michigan and Tennessee Flag Officers, including the American
Revolutionary Council, have identified various modern day "royal court
messengers" aka U.S. media stooges and propaganda artists as enemy
combatants and media terrorists aka subversion and destruction of the
U.S. Constitution.
Here is the list:
1. Anti U.S. CONSTITUTION DULY ELECTED President Al Gore bitch Al Hunt of Bloomberg News
2. Lawrence O' Donnell and Chris Matthews of MSNBC
3. NAZI Jew Wolf Blitzer of CNN
4. Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton stooge Erin Burnett of CNN
5. NAZI Jew Mark Halperin and John Helprin of Bloomberg News
6. Last but not least anti U.S CONSTITUTION DULY ELECTED President Al Gore, NAZI Paperclip Bush-Clinton Crime Family stooge of the highest order NAZI Jew Gloria Borger of CNN
Note: NAZI Jew Borger has for years coordinated with NAZI Jew anti U.S. CONSTITUTION DULY ELECTED
President Al Gore USC law professor anti-Catholic bigot NAZI Jew Susan
Estrich, along with the Bushes and the Clintons, physical threats versus
Al Gore and his family concerning President Gore's attempt to restore
the Constitution of the United States and Rule of Law.
message to Borger and Estrich: It is in your best interest you two
little NAZI Jews to cease and desist and do as you are told when it
comes to direct orders from U.S. CONSTITUTION DULY ELECTED President Albert Gore Jr.
P.P.S. Direct message to the NAZI Jew-controlled Republican Party of the United States:
American Military will deal with you directly given what you and NAZI
George W. BushFRAUD did to our electoral system, our U.S. Constitution
and our U.S. Treasury.
closing, it is time for the American People to lock and load, redeem
our birth right and restore our American Republic, restore our freedom
and Constitutional rights and eradicate the NAZI Khazarian Jew filth
from American soil.
As we live free or die, Lafayette remains at Brandywine and
Albert Gore Jr. remains the year 2000,
U.S. Constitution DULY ELECTED, non-inaugurated,
natural born REAL President of the United States.
Albert Gore Jr. remains the year 2000,
U.S. Constitution DULY ELECTED, non-inaugurated,
natural born REAL President of the United States.
Al Gore on Restoring the Rule of Law