The New X-Files 1-24-16… “Pretty Darn Full of It (Disclosure, that is)”

Okay… I never watch “normal”, MSM TV anymore. But tonight I viewed the first episode of the new X-Files (8PM HST)… and tomorrow night is the second episode (7PM HST). I was pretty “blown away” by the amount of “in your face” disclosure.
There was a huge amount of “Disclosure of all kinds” in this one. Much of it was just “blurted out there”, usually by Mulder. Here’s a few bits that I picked up on:
- 9-11 was a false flag
- Alien Reproduction Vehicle (built with intercepted alien technology)
- Free energy has been available since the 1940s but it’s been covered up
- Spying, surveillance programs
- Showed video clip of Obama on Jimmy Kimmel (not denying the existence of UFOs)
- Genetic manipulation and combining with alien DNA
- An end goal of all the attempted mind control, surveillance, etc., is to make us into a controlled society
- Alien abductions are not really “alien”, but rather by humans (with advanced craft) (just like Corey has said)
Aloha, Kp
[Note: here are two prior posts about the X-Files: 1, 2.]