Extra-Judicial Notice Issued to the Justices of THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES
On Jan 26, 2016, at 8:50 PM, Anna von Reitz <avannavon@gmail.com> wrote:
Extra-Judicial Notice Issued to the Justices of THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES
There is no provision upon land nor upon sea nor in the heavens allowing a corporation to declare war, declare martial law, operate as a crime syndicate, or interfere with the political standing of living people.

When what is true appears what is false must pass away.
This is your private and inescapable Notice that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has engaged in criminal acts and that it is at this moment shredding documents to avoid its culpability.
This is your private and inescapable Notice that the FBI has committed murder and false arrest of peaceful American state citizens in Oregon for protesting the unlawful and illegal acts of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and that it has stubbornly refused to recognize the political standing of its victims.
This is your private and inescapable Notice that the corporations you work for including the UN Corporation, the IMF, the UNITED STATES, the FEDERAL RESERVE —which are international banks and their subsidiaries and subcontractors— are operating as crime syndicates on our shores.
This is your private and inescapable Notice that these corporations have all been granted due process and have all merited their dissolution by their own continued acts of criminality and non-compliance and violation of their charters.
This is your private and inescapable Notice that these corporations have knowingly engaged in falsification of political status and probate records for their own enrichment.
This is your private and inescapable Notice that these corporations have knowingly operated public offices and allowed their employees to impersonate public officials for private gain.
This is your private and inescapable Notice that these corporations are now in the process to trying to avoid their culpability for these acts of violence and predation upon the people that they are under contract and obligation to serve.
This is your private and inescapable Notice that these corporations are now attacking Americans just as they attacked the people of India under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi.
This is your private and inescapable Notice that these corporations are here on our soil in violation of their Treaties and Charters and that they have willfully committed war crimes upon the innocent and peaceful populace of the American states.
This is your private and inescapable Notice of the Matters of Fact before you.
Judge Anna Maria Riezinger
Federal Postal District Judge Western Region