Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Garrith Lamanov Update for the Galactic Federation of Light - January 26, 2016

Know that myself Commander Vrillion, Commander Ashtar, Commander Altros of the Mushaba Nexus, Commander Hatonn, along with our Commander in Chief Christ Sananda have millions of our fleets seeing to it that there are no off-world activities of malevolant forces coming in or out of this planet. Those that have, so far, been allowed to leave, are those we have come to terms and agreement with. We have huge shield vessels surrounding the Earth to prevent any threat which might come to present itself. We have had no such threats so far.
Garrith Lamanov El Melchizedek
Garrith Lamanov,  El Melchizedek
Our scoutships are positioned throughout the globe in their numbers, where the Ashtar Command has full control over Earth’s air space. There will be no activity of your military’s aircrafts upon our mass de-cloaking when we reveal who we are of the Angelic Realms of the Galactic Council of the Galactic Federation of Light. It is important to know that one of your Goverment officials and leader will announce our presence, upon NESARA’S full enactment and disclosure to the people of Earth.
Know that our ships are equipped with highly advanced technologies that we intend to share with your civilization to heal the planet before it shifts into the Galactic Core within zero point. Some of our ships range from as huge as planets in your solar system, which are just beyond your orbit. We now have 13,000,000 fleets at our disposal to intervene anywhere on this planet where conflict impends.

We have, at this moment, a considerable amount of assistance from all over the multiverse to bring the tumultuous end of your cycle of duality to a happy conclusion.
These are not the end times for the Earth, but more, the End times for the dark cabal. We are on the verge of global world liberation. The light remains victorious.  World peace is indeed at hand.