Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Dr. Judy Wood: "Irrefutable" - The sheer volume of concrete and steel that simply vanished on 9/11
Published on Jan 24, 2016
Finding out who did 9/11 is NOT the secret they are trying to protect. The secret is so big that they would rather us believe it was done by a faction inside our government or even another government. Keeping us fighting over WHO did it and not looking at what was ACTUALLY done is the goal. Start knowing the TRUTH for yourself. Watch this in full and then GET THE BOOK! Dr. Judy Wood could not be better qualified to forensically and scientifically examine the evidence of the 9/11 attacks. The towers were turned to dust in mid air and were not destroyed using kinetic objects or weapons such as planes, bombs or nukes. The towers were processed with the weapon and turned to dust from within for a period before they collapsed. Watch steel turn to dust before your eyes.