"Standby" - Intel SITREP from Deep Source(s) for January 29

SITREP (Situation Report)
1-29-167:14 AM ET
Deep Source (RV/GCR):
"Major banks have received notice. Current rate is $3.48-3.72. Schedule to initiate exchanges has been given."
Deep Source (Resistance):
"The Congress of the New Republic have assembled. Joseph Dunford, the interim President of the New Republic has been alerted to standby. All Dragon Societies are on standby."
Deep Source (The Alliance):
"No information available at this time."
Note from Deep Source(s):
"Please note: Intel that is being provided from us to you is indeed accurate but completely raw and does have a tendency to not follow through. There is no denying that we are all in frustration and loss of patience. It is entirely a fact that intel being provided is real, but there are constant on-going activities that change the situation. This is agonizing but you mustn't lose hope. Nothing lasts forever."