Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Kepler's Six Years By The Numbers - 1,000 planets discovered & 2258 Days In Space

Kepler's Six Years In Science (and Counting): By The Numbers

The graphic tells NASA's Kepler spacecraft's story by the numbers from the moment it began hunting for planets outside our solar system on May 12, 2009. From the trove of data collected, we have learned that planets are common, that most sun-like stars have at least one planet and that nature makes planets with unimaginable diversity.

Kepler launched on March 6, 2009. Its mission was to survey a portion of our galaxy to determine what fraction of stars might harbor potentially habitable, Earth-sized exoplanets or planets that orbit other stars. Of particular interest are exoplanets orbiting in the habitable zone -- the range of distance from a star in which the surface temperature of an orbiting planet might sustain liquid water. For life as we know it, liquid water is a necessary ingredient.

Do Not Fear Jade Helm by Rique Seraphico

http://cdn.truthandaction.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/jadehelm1.jpegRecieved Via Email.....

Rique Seraphico says...

To all of you Americans that have been fearing the upcoming Jade Helm military drill:

Please DON'T!! You are only doing what the US (Cabal) wants you to be doing and falling for their oldest trick of all - they thrive with all the fear and chaos caused.

They have, and I must say, very cleverly, used what is basically a LIGHT Forces operation, in their favour and tried to revert the situation and put you, good American Citizens, against the very forces that will be there to help YOU! And quite frankly, and sadly, they are once again succeeding in doing this, judging by the vast majority of posts and comments I have seen to date.

Only YOU can change this. And if you are reading this, then, you are obviously in a much higher frequency than the majority of the Americans living in the USA. As such you have a responsibility to use your knowledge, Light and help your people, all those around you that are giving in to fear.

There is absolutely NO reason for that. Yes, it is 100% true, the US Cabal wants you, all of us in fact, DEAD! They want to turn the table and implement their NWO plans. Create chaos, install Martial Law in the Country, put you all FEMA Camps, force a WW3 - ALL of that is true, fact.

Sheldan Nidle Update - May 12, 2015

2 Eb, 10 Moan, 11 Ik

Selamat Balik! We come now with more information on what is occurring across your globe. At present, those committees assigned to bring forth various components that are to oust the dark cabal from power are reporting success in carrying out their duties. When we first arrived en mass over two decades ago, this world was still under the full authority of the Anunnaki and their dark minions. These various groups as well had the great resources of the Ancharans at their command. By the middle of the first decade, the Ancharans and the Anunnaki had left. The minions were suddenly cast asunder. Out of these dire circumstances came their initial replies. Their lieutenants just stole the 2000 US election, created 9/11 and began wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. That was their high point. Since then, their power began to fade and now it is practically gone. Our various earthly allies are nearly ready to ease them from their long occupied perches. You are to see this shortly and when you do become aware of how long the process took. Those brave individuals and groups who are now doing this are in fact, global heroes to all.

   These activities are not to be known until the final actions are complete. Thus, it is important that each of you remain aware of what is happening “behind the scenes.” Over the past few months, the ability of the US Federal Reserve Bank to operate with full immunity has ended. Likewise, the US Federal Reserve note (the dollar) has come under a full-scale attack, which is starting to undermine it. These notes are to be replaced in the very near future by special US Treasury notes. The world financial system, which is to replace the current corrupt system, is rapidly moving into place among the world’s central banks. This new monetary system is to be one in which a series of national reserves are globally to replace the dollar. This is to happen after the revaluation of a number of key currencies, which in turn will force a global monetary reset to take place. These things are presently happening and are nearly ready to be announced. These new currencies are to tie in with a global need to fund the development of infrastructure and the rise of new governance and worldwide prosperity.

Obama's Trans-Pacific Partnership Blocked By Senate Democrats

http://intellectualconservative.com/wp-content/uploads/obm.jpgWashington (CNN)President Barack Obama's free trade push was blocked in the Senate on Tuesday as Democrats rebelled, throwing one of his biggest priorities in his remaining years in the White House into doubt.

Roughly 14 pro-trade Democrats emerged from a Tuesday afternoon meeting with other Senate Democrats saying they wouldn't vote to take up the trade bill -- which then failed on a 52-45 vote. 

The Democrats complained that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was refusing to add a package of pro-worker provisions to the bill that many in the GOP see as unrelated and too costly. 

"What we just saw here is pretty shocking," McConnell said on the Senate floor after the vote.

"What we've just witnessed here is the Democratic Senate shut down the opportunity to debate the top economic priority of the Democratic President of the United States," he said.

Other Republicans lashed out, too, saying they were furious to see Democrats stand in the way of a rare agreement with the White House. 

"We had this pretty well agreed to until, all of a sudden, we had this mess on our hands," said Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch, the Utah Republican who sponsored the measure. 

Michael Salla Update: Extraterrestrial alliance helps secret space program overcome opposition to full disclosure

ET alliance helps ssp with disclosure

Written by Dr Michael Salla on

Corey Goode (aka GoodETxSG) has revealed more about his claimed contact experiences with a group of extraterrestrials called the Sphere Alliance that is cooperating with an alliance of secret space programs indigenous to Earth. He has earlier revealed that there are five secret space programs belonging to our current Earth civilization, as well as between five to seven space programs belonging to ancient human civilizations that are still operating. Several of these secret space programs indigenous to Earth make up a what he calls the Secret Space Program (SSP) Alliance, which should not be confused with the Sphere Alliance which he claims comprise five different extraterrestrials races that are here to assist humanity deal with an upcoming “Event” that will change life dramatically on the planet.

Corey claims to have attended several off-planet meetings where three of these extraterrestrial races belonging to the Sphere Alliance, have appeared. The alien race which he has communicated with the most is called the Blue Avians – one of whom he met with as recently as this past weekend is called “Tear-Eir”. In addition to his recent contact experiences, Corey also claims to have earlier served, from 1987 to 2007 with several secret space programs as an Intuitive Empath. In an earlier question and answer email exchange, Corey described the five secret space programs as follows:
  1. Solar Warden –  mainly focused on policing the Solar System and surrounding Star Clusters;
  2. Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC) – focused mainly on development and aquisition of technology by any means.
  3. Dark Fleet – worked almost entirely outside the Sol System, Very Military (Offensive),
  4. “NATO TYPE SSP” – Recently in Alliance Conferences they were referred to as the “League of Nations Program.”
  5. Various Special Access Program SSP’s that were small, usually had the newer technology, very secretive and worked for some of the Secret Earth Governments,

'Roswell Photo Slide' Revealed to be Mummified Boy

'Roswell Slide' Revealed to be Mummified Boy

The text in the placard in the Roswell alien slide has been deciphered thanks to the work of the 'Roswell Slides' Research Group, who used the imaging editing software SmartDeblur. Their interpretation of the text:

At the time of burial the body was clothed in a xxx-xxx cotton
shirt. Burial wrappings consisted of these small cotton blankets.
Loaned by the MR. Xxxxxx, San Francisco, California 

More on the revelation here.


 First slide of extraterrestrial biological entity after medical autopsy.  Screenshot from live stream of Tercer Milenio event on May 5, Mexico City.

Crop Circle Discussions and Documentary: Ancient Symbols for Mankind

Delve into the Crop Circle phenomenon with a film maker who has visited more than 100 Crop Circles personally. After having an out-of-body-experience in the center of an English Crop Circle (2007) Patty Greer produced 5 full feature UFO documentaries in record time. With no previous training or experience in film making whatsoever, she zoned in on the UK Crop Circles and the ‘Balls of Light’ seen in and around them. Greer takes the study into a new realm of possibilities, sharing daunting footage and clips from her documentaries as potential evidence that (ET) Balls of Light may be involved in the creation of (many) Crop Circles!


Gordon Duff's Real Name is Bob Foote; Veteran's Today is an FBI Cointel Operation According to Stew Webb

Stew Webb discusses the NSA spying using the PROMIS software and also outs Gordon Duff's real name - Bob Foote to a world audience. Stew also exposes VeteransToday as an FBI Cointel operation to the world. The FBI troll site (VeteransToday) is now bashing Stew Webb, Jim Fetzer and other patriots who woke up and left after seeing the blatant disinformation being put out by Gordon Duff and VT.

VT is disgustingly now promoting Ted Gunderson as a hero when Ted Gunderson put David Hinkson and other patriots in prison for life on bogus charges! Ted Gunderson was also wanted by the District Attorneys in many states for fraud (ripping off old ladies) but was always protected by his FBI masters. VeteransToday is now regurgitating all the FBI troll lies about Stew Webb when Gordon Duff AKA Bob Foote always said that HE already VERIFIED Stew Webb was REAL and everything he said was TRUE! This has all come about because Stew Webb has now discovered who Gordon Duff and Veterans Today works for and will be putting out the evidence on 5-11-15's show on VeteransTruthNetwork.com at 8:00 pm EST

Veterans Today is now also promoting all the FBI troll sites such as educateyourself and the disinformation specialists such as Benjamin Fulford who promised 100,000 Ninjas were going to kill the Illuminati 5 years ago. YES, he actually said this! VT has become a sick joke and is now trying to arrest Stew Webb and others!

One Of The Most Important Scientists In The World: “Most Cancer Research Is Largely A Fraud”


“Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud, and that the major cancer research organisations are derelict in their duties to the people who support them.” (source)

The above quote comes from Linus Pauling, Ph.D, and two time Nobel Prize winner in chemistry (1901-1994). He is considered one of the most important scientists in history. He is one of the founders of quantum chemistry and molecular biology, who was also a well known peace activist. He was invited to be in charge of the Chemistry division of the Manhattan Project, but refused. He has also done a lot of work on military applications, and has pretty much done and seen it all when it comes to the world of science. A quick Google search will suffice if you’d like to learn more about him.

This man has been around the block, and obviously knows a thing or two about this subject. And he’s not the only expert from around the world expressing similar beliefs and voicing his opinion.

Here is another great example of a hard hitting quote when it comes to scientific fraud and manipulation. It comes from Dr. Marcia Angell, a physician and long time Editor in Chief of the New England Medical Journal (NEMJ), which is considered to be one of the most prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals in the world. I apologize if you have seen it before in my articles, but it is quite the statement.

Abel Danger - Military Pilot Insights into Coverups of German Wings and Malaysian Aircraft Disasters

Abel Danger talks with former military air-force pilot about his thought on GermanWings and Malaysian aircraft disasters
