The Accounts Are Beckoning /
Clear Sailing Ahead
From the very beginning Neil Keenan realized that he was in it
for the long haul, but at the time, not even he knew what an arduous
task he was taking on.
It officially started with his unprecedented lawsuit which was made
famous in David Wilcock’s article “Financial Tyranny.” The lawsuit is
in the process of being re-filed in spite of many a roadblock.
So much “clutter” and subterfuge has had to be cleared before moving
ahead. Cabal representatives tried to settle the lawsuit with Neil to
make him go away but he could not be bought off.
Group after group have made the scene with sensational false claims
to the Global Accounts, and rightfully each one has dissolved into
nothing. And then there are those who still speak out of both sides of
their mouth but have not a thing to show for it.
Now the course ahead is clear, no more blocks in the road.
Neil notes: “The funny thing is people forget that those shills,
cons, etc. were always in the way seeing that it’s their job to protect
the accounts for the Cabal, whereas the Keenan Group’s job was to
protect the Family’s assets.
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