There is a reason why this Jesuit Priest became the current Pope at this particular time, and the creepy Ratzinger had to go. There is a reason why Pope Francis wants to connect with people on an average level, and there’s a reason why he wants to be so liked and admired by Catholics as well as non-Catholics. There is a reason why he is saying that all religions are accepted as valid.
It seems to me that this Last Pope (if we believe prophecies) may be the one to welcome and baptize the Lord of Lords as the God of a World Religion–the Religion of the New ‘Golden Age,’ which accepts all religions as One.
It doesn’t matter what you and I think about Prophecy; the fact is that there are those who are working very, very hard to make the them come true. That is what it is all about. The Prophecies are “blueprints” that certain minions of the ET controllers are here to follow–instructions or protocols, if you will.
Something is bound to happen soon. I don’t have any time frame, but it’s easy to see the writing on the wall, isn’t it?
Thanks goodness we know enough not to be fooled!
Published on 4 Jul 2014Pope Francis and the Vatican has introduced the world to their god they been worshipping all along, Lucifer. According to Pope Francis and the Catholic Church, The Morning Star is the creator of the world and the father of Christ. He brought “light” to the human race.
This announced was made to the world April 27th, 2014 during a ceremony where Pope John paul the 1st and Pope john Paul the 2nd.This declaration is unprecedented and should cause concern to the world. It’s no coincidence that the first Jesuit Pope would make such a shocking statement. He has been overhauling the Vatican since he got in. So far he has said Athiest will enter heaven as long as they do good works. He also stated Jesus is just a man and prays to the father and he is a co-mediator with mother Mary between God and man.
This is their new statement made during Mass and other ceremonies:
“His flame dawning his own son
May, I say to you O’ lucifer who knows no setting
Christ is your son who came back from the dead
and shed his light to the human race
and is alive and reigns for ever and ever”