It has been a while since the last news letter due to extreme demands in other areas of the awakening and healing process. I have had my own personal challenges which include attacks by reptilian and grey factions on their way off the planet. They seem to have 4D pulse weapons which have a debilitating effect in 3D and occasionally do a drive by. They are the gangsters of the universe. Luckily this is all being cleaned up and the effects are healing and diminishing.
The global reset is in place. Much information around this process is filled with a lot of false promises and we need to use discernment with those making grandiose promises concerning personal wealth verses the needs of the many. The funding will be from the bottom up not from the top down and those who are in most need will be addressed first. The golden dragon family are the ones who are in charge of this process, they are the enlightened ones. I would expect major disclosures after the Chinese New Year.
Concerning the chemtrails we have asked repeatedly for assistance. There is an Intergalactic Council of Light which determines whether off world intervention is necessary in this matter. The negative off world interference has been so great especially concerning negative greys and draconians some intervention is necessary. They did however express the concern about the lack of humanities responsibility in this matter. There are so many refusing to acknowledge serious aggressions towards humanity and all creation carried out by the highest levels of religious, government and business institutions. In fact there are so many willingly participating in and financing their own demise. When the masses refuse to acknowledge and participate in saving themselves and their planet it makes it harder to act on their behalf. When their chosen leadership are complicitory in these genocidal acts again when are the people going to awaken and remove these souless dark hearts who have betrayed their trust. We can as a collective petition the Intergalactic Council of Light for divine intervention which will assist in staying within universal law allowing them to act on our behalf. Haog with the Orion Council of Light is a good ally and ambassador to connect with and ask for assistance. If we put out a collective prayer and meditation with this intent we can get the assistance we need to once and for all put an end to Draconian influence and the network of humans participating in these dark programs. If we are supporting these programs in any way we need to stop. Apathy and doing nothing is acquiescing to these dark agendas. It is time for humanity to rise up as one family, join the greater family of man, “The Star Nations”, and set our intent. Pray or meditate to God, Creator, Great Spirit what ever name you wish to call the Source of all Creation and ask for assistance. The appropriate solution will be sent. We have to initiate the divine intervention according to universal law. We have five month window to get this accomplished.