Uncensored History Revealed with Secret Space Program Disclosures

Nazi Germany, and not the United States or Soviet Union, was the first nation to send astronauts into space according to Secret Space Program whistleblower Corey Goode. Goode is not a closet neo-Nazi spouting twisted propaganda, but is simply disclosing what he says he read in classified historical documents he had access to during his 20 year tour-of-duty (1987-2007) with “Solar Warden” and other secret space programs.
In his latest interview on the Cosmic Disclosure Gaiam TV series, Goode elaborated upon his earlier revelations that he was given access to “smart glass pads,” similar to Ipads, where he read classified information about the origins of secret space programs. Previously he said that he was given this level of access to classified information since his duties involved familiarizing himself with many aspects of secret space program history and activities, in order to better fulfill his responsibilities as an “Intuitive Empath.”
He recalls that the “smart glass pads” revealed that channelers, associated with the Vril Society, made contact with a group of Draconian extraterrestrials claiming to be humans from the Aldebaran star system.
Later, during expeditions to the Himalayas, members of the Vril Society and Nazi SS made contact with a group of Nordic-looking humans, who were part of the “Agartha Network”. Goode says that the Agartha network had advanced spacecraft, named the “Silver Fleet.” The Agarthans held similar beliefs to the Nazis in terms of racial purity and separate development models for humans.
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