Scientists from the University of Buckingham have released a picture of an extraterrestrial from deep space that is bombarding the Earth. No, it’s not part of an extraterrestrial invasion. Rather, it is evidence supporting the theory of panspermia, in which microscopic life forms exist in the vacuum of space, and can seed life by arriving in great numbers on habitable planets like the Earth.
A team of scientists, including Professor Milton Wainwright, from the University of Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology, have conducted scientific tests in the stratosphere. These show that organisms not found on the Earth are arriving from outer space. Professor Wainwright claims the results prove that life exists outside the Earth. In an interview with Britain’s Express newspaper, he said:
team has caused quite a stir over the last couple of two years by
claiming these microbes are continually arriving to Earth from
space. Our critics have been vocal in dismissing our work but, as yet,
no one has provided a viable alternative explanation for our peer
reviewed work…. As far as we can tell the particle has no relation to
anything found on Earth.
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