
Sunday, September 6, 2015

Neil Keenan Update - "IT’S SHOWTIME!" - September 6, 2015


Are you sitting? Are you ready to rumble?

If not get ready because the curtains are opening and we better be at the front of the show. Not just Jesuits and Illuminati.

Hell, they have controlled humanity almost from the beginning of the civilized world – why wouldn’t we want control now?

Wouldn’t we do a better job? Well guess what?


1. The Jesuits are making an attempt to steal back the financial system. 
They have already taken the Vatican back from the Illuminati (who work for the Jesuits – or did). Now they attempt to implement their New World Order. We are the ones that they plan to slaughter!!
Watch out for Agenda 30 not Agenda 21…

2. We, most countries do not have any debt.  Most countries are incorporated not sovereign. 
Most are called a government but are in fact not so. If we do not have a proper Government then we have every right to file Civil Litigation against those who defraud us by claiming to be a Government – no matter who or what they think they are.

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