So what does this ‘Jesuit’ priest mean? He means they expect not only Roman Catholics to change their God, but everyone will need to reassess their foundations in faith. This is because the Ascended Masters (ET’s) are here and when they make themselves known to the whole world, they will address themselves as our creators … through MAITREYA … who has his original body lying in stasis in THE HIMALAYAS … However they won’t tell us we are held prisoners … In bondage …
WE ARE SOVEREIGN BEINGS of spirit … We are not our physical bodies

The first hybrids
Complete with their own ‘Jesus’, well they call him “Master Jesus”.
Sananda aka Sanat Kumara. Master Jesus, under his galactic name “Sananda,” works with Commander Ashtar, flying with Pallas Athena in their own flying saucer within the Ashtar Galactic Command flying saucer fleet as its Commander-in-Chief.
He is supposedly an advanced being at the ninth level of initiation who is regarded as the ‘Lord’ or ‘Regent’ of Earth.
The most common title attributed to Lord Sanat Kumara in the Theosophical religious tradition is “Lord of the World”. Sanat Kumara is also often referred to as the manifestation of the ‘Solar Logos’.

“The Ancient of Days” (because he has been on Earth millions of years) and “The Youth of Sixteen Summers” (because even though he is millions of years old, he still looks like he is 16 years old). Another of his titles is “The One Initiator” because in the Masters and the Path that he personally performs the initiation ceremony for anyone who has reached the third level of initiation. … THE RISE OF THE SERPENTS
Earth base of the Ashtar Galactic Command is known as the New Jerusalem or “Shan Chea”. It is a square rotating space station with artificial gravity in constant orbit around Earth on the etheric plane, with orbit distances varying from approximately 500 miles (800 km) to 1,500 miles (2,400 km). It is a large space station with a population of thousands of etheric beings. In t.
This Airborne Division of the Brotherhood of Light is LILITH’S agenda
The Great White Brotherhood has their ‘Lodge’ in the ETHERIC and this is where the Freemason originate their inner manifesto including their sinister underground lairs (light chambers)

Puma Punku statues
.Puma Punku statues
What they are each holding are keys, also featured is a Stargate, portal, the ANKH is a key, the name ANKH translates “the key of the eternal” we added the word “life” when the translation does not include the word “life”.
A set of ANKH key(s) were attached to the “arc” which enabled the device to operate.
The message here with the artefacts is that the ancient people spent their time leaving many arte-“facts” for us now, almost like the higher beings already knew our outcome.
This “disconnection” we have now from out ancient pass it deliberate, yes they were living in a “advanced period” technology was there in abundance, throughout all the cultures, each displaying their technology, yet modern day scientists, religious communities cannot explain how these great monuments, structures came about or that this guy is holding a key.

In order for the system to remain operational, one must close down the masses, limit them to a basic level, we have “controlled technology”,
Huge amounts of technology have been found but you won’t see them..