by Michelle Walling, CHLC
Staff writer, In5D.com
If you think about everything that is happening in the world, doesn’t it seem like you attract more of the dark as you raise your vibration? Perhaps that is because the negative energy yearns for healing just as much as we do.
That doesn’t include ALL negative beings. As we know, we are dealing with a few psychopathic beings that are still running the negative harvest matrix program. Some people have said that the big bosses (the Archons) have actually left and all that is left is the middle men and they left them here to throw them under the bus.
All ultimately comes from the same Source. Some of Source’s children have been very naughty and have not played by the rules of the game. These naughty beings are being forced into a corner and are being given a choice of changing polarity through healing or healing by being recycled back through the Great Central Sun.
Is it possible that some of us volunteered to help some of the negative beings heal that choose it? We know that most of our family and friends who are not awake yet are simply running their negative programs, and when the program gets dismantled, they will be ready for some healing and re-direction of their thoughts and belief systems. Their soul is probably not negative, it is just their hypnotic trance that allows for negative thought forms that is the problem.
Some of the truly negative souls of the upper middle management of the dark are quickly finding out that they were used and will not get the eternal life that they were promised by their bosses. They are having to figure out their best possible scenario at this time, and they are becoming desperate.
We can help to dismantle the hypnotic trance negative thoughtform program by clearing ourselves and connecting with the collective consciousness in order to send high vibrations in to transmute all of the negative thoughtforms. As we heal ourselves, we help to heal other humans, the planet, the galaxy, the Universe, and so on.
Here is a video that puts some things into perspective on healing the dark:
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