Humanity is and always has been controlled by mental programs. Mental programs are installed within us via belief systems; they are astral thought forms which possess our minds. Belief systems are the fuel which powers the matrix system and have been doing so for quite some time. Just take a look at religion; these are just different sets of belief systems that people are operating. After many hours of research a lot of us have come to understand that all of the religions of the world have dark roots in Saturn worship. Saturn is the positive time-line half of this cyclical system of duality.
Television is also deeply connected to the matrix system and its mental programs. Frequencies are broadcasted via Saturn to satellites in orbit around Earth and then are beamed directly into our households via our television sets. Mainstream media is a massive peddler of belief systems. Television acts as a mind control device which alters your conscious state to be more susceptible to the lies they are propagating. Fear is another tactic used by the mainstream media to coerce people into different mental programs. It is not called television ‘‘programming’’ by mistake. By using a plethora of belief systems the Saturn matrix system can hack our reality and potentially our time-lines. We humans must learn the difference between a belief and knowing. When we know something we cannot be convinced of anything else because it is based on direct experience, whereas our beliefs change all the time because they were not grounded in direct experience.
Many claim that CERN is an inter-dimensional gateway readying to unleash a host of hostile alien/demons unto the Earth; this is another mental program. In actuality, CERN is the operating system of over 600 different belief systems. Why do you think they are called belief “systems” to begin with? Our energies are drained into this astral portal via different belief systems we operate. CERN is being used in an attempt to reboot the matrix system and enter humanity into another 26,000 year cycle of duality. 2012, Dec 21, was their first attempt to artificially ascend humanity into a new matrix cycle. The trick is when operate from their lies, AKA, belief systems we exit the organic Earth time-line and sync into their astral time-line which is the cyclical time-loop we know as the matrix. Why are believe systems so prevalent with the Saturn matrix you might ask, well it is the only way they could trick us into unconsciously feeding their matrix system and astral agenda. What are some of the obvious mental programs they are currently running? Well there is the event, BRICS, mass arrests, first contact, blue avians, sphere alliance, galactic federation of light, ascended masters, golden age, CERN, arch angels, WW3 and flat Earth. The list of mental programs being run right now is nearly endless, be cautious!
Awakening/Ascension is psy-op being perpetrated by the powers that be. The powers that be are technologically advanced and incredibly intelligent; you don’t think that all this new information coming in just leaked do you? The New Age agenda was created by the theologian think tank known as Lucis Trust. The New Age belief system was an attempt to shift humanity into an astral timeline.
Their goal was to boot up the positive matrix system time-line, the “wondrous" golden age. This positive time-line is still part of the energy harvesting matrix system. The negative time-line of the matrix is powered by the Moon. They purposefully awakened us from our negative time-line induced coma so that they could harness our power to boot up the positive time-line. The powers the be purposefully showed us all of the "evil" things they were doing in the world to create the opposite extreme polarity "light-workers". The friction created between extreme opposites of polarity is what feeds this matrix system and the astral beings perpetrating it. Many of us who dabbled in the occult learned that X is a representation of Saturn. I am sure many of you have recently heard about Wave-X; this is not a super wave of love. Wave-X is a burst of energy coming from Saturn in an attempt to activate the positive time-line of the matrix system via CERN via belief systems. By accepting this mental program that is Wave-X, you are anchoring the energies of Saturn to our planet, and giving life to the positive time-line of the matrix system. If you embrace this wave of energy you will be taking this energy into your being, be warned.
The powers that be need our energy to manifest their agendas; we need to stop buying into their smorgasbord of different mental programs. Our planet can and will overcome this matrix system, she is just waiting on us. We must work over-time to help the Earth’s transition from this cyclical system of duality. The matrix is starving and the “archons” are desperate. Know that the power of your spirit is infinitely more powerful than those that seek to control you. It is up to us to heal and align ourselves with the Earth and her natural time-line. Purge these mental programs! Stop falling for astral agendas! Please try to understand that if you are reacting harshly to this information the reason why is because it is conflicting with mental program you are currently operating. Thank you for taking the time to read this article. If you are interested about learning more on this topic you can make a You Tube search for Lily Earthling, Cameron Day and Harald Kautz-Vella.
Much love to you and yours – Justin M.
Each of us has a "Divine Guidance System" when we deeply root ourselves in the Mother Earth and reach for the Heavens without the necessity of belief in "others", we are take the true first giant step for Humankind.