Will big UN love-fest just turn into attempt by cabal to look nice and keep in power

If the leaders simply say nice things but fail to act, you can be sure bloody revolution will become inevitable. The fact is the current world system and its leaders have presided over the destruction of 40% of all life on land and 49% of all sea life. Furthermore, the pace of destruction is continuing to accelerate. Not only that, the system that is destroying life on this planet is also sucking away wealth from all humans except for about 0.01% of the very top elite. The fact is we are facing a planetary emergency of the sort not seen since the dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago. The creator (be it God or Nature) might well be wondering if it is time to do to humans what was done to the dinosaurs. Maybe this time the cockroaches will be given a chance to see if they can do better.
Our best hope lies in the growing signs a world revolution is continuing to remove the vicious, incompetent Khazarian mafia cabal that has been responsible for so much of this planet’s suffering.
The biggest and most chaotic activity continues to be seen in Europe and the Middle East. The flood of millions of refugees into Europe and the threat of tens of millions more arriving has prompted serious infighting in Western power structures.
The German government has commandeered community centers, sports facilities, parks and the like to accommodate millions of refugees, according to British MI6 intelligence. This prompted Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon, to fly to Germany and Turkey to deal with the situation, according to Pentagon sources. He told the Germans to impose border controls and stop the flood of refugees. He also told the Germans, Turks and Nato brass to align with Russia in Syria against ISIS and their Israeli and Gulf Cooperation Council backers, the sources said.
To make sure their message was being heard, the 33-year old Sheik Rashid of Dubai, one of the top ISIS supporters, was killed by heart attack, according to US intelligence sources.
Furthermore, the US military told Pope Francis, Germany’s Angela Merkel and other European power brokers to stop their big social engineering project aimed at flooding Europe with Muslims in order to force a union between Islam and Christianity.
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