On this, the 14th anniversary of one of the most tragic days in recent American history, U.S. citizens will be bombarded with patriotic imagery, messages, and the oft-repeated 9/11 slogan of “Never Forget.”
Over the course of the day, mainstream media and the like will show the horrific images of planes crashing into towers and the disturbing scene of ground zero in the aftermath.
In the midst of all the grieving, the flag waving, and the speeches from opportunistic presidential hopefuls, there will be an uncomfortable moment of silence. This silence, however, will not be in remembrance of the victims that day, but rather the complete lack of coverage given to the unanswered questions and suspicious facts surrounding that fateful morning.
A slew of unprovable conspiracy theories is associated with the events leading up to and occurring on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. However, the Free Thought Project does not delve into such speculation. We only deal in facts.
The list below contains five hard-hitting facts that the mainstream media and the political powers have relentlessly attempted to keep hidden from the public.
Fact 1:
Coming in at number 1 is perhaps one of the most perplexing of all the facts. Amazingly enough, some folks still believe that only two towers fell that day. The fact that Tower 7, a 47-story building, collapsed, was but a small blip in the media. Since 9/11, World Trade Center Tower 7 is rarely, if at all mentioned in the mainstream media.Insanely enough, when tower 7 is mentioned to some people, they think that it’s a conspiracy theory that it fell.
However, Tower 7, which was not hit by a plane, in fact, collapsed into its own footprint at free fall speed.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology, (the government agency assigned to investigate the building collapse in the video above) attributes the collapse to the failure of a single column, in a complex scenario involving thermal expansion of beams supporting the column, caused by office furniture burning; a theory that is largely disputed by many experts.
Fact 2:
BBC, CNN, FOX, and MSNBC reported the collapse of WTC 7 — well before it happened.Fact 3:
The 911 Commission was railroaded. Not only were the commissioners given extremely limited funds to conduct their investigation, but they were also met with dead ends in almost every direction.For starters, only $15 million was given to investigate 9/11. Compare that to the over $60 million that was spent investigating Clinton’s affairs with Monica and the travesty becomes greater. This was the largest act of murder in recent US history, and more money was spent investigating a philandering president!
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Also, Senator Max Cleland, who resigned from the 9/11 Commission after calling it a “national scandal,” stated in a 2003 PBS interview,I’m saying that’s deliberate. I am saying that the delay in relating this information to the American public out of a hearing… series of hearings, that several members of Congress knew eight or ten months ago, including Bob Graham and others, that was deliberately slow walked… the 9/11 Commission was deliberately slow walked, because the Administration’s policy was, and its priority was, we’re gonna take Saddam Hussein out.In 2006, the Washington Post reported that several members of the 9/11 Commission suspected deception on part of the Pentagon. As reported,
Some staff members and commissioners of the Sept. 11 panel concluded that the Pentagon’s initial story of how it reacted to the 2001 terrorist attacks may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead the commission and the public rather than a reflection of the fog of events on that day, according to sources involved in the debate.
Fact 4:
Staying on the topic of the 9/11 Commission, in 2004, President George Bush and VP Dick Cheney told the Commission that they would not be formally interviewed in relation to the attacks on September 11.On April 27, 2004 the White House released a statement saying there would be no recording or formal transcription of the interview. The duo also demanded to be interviewed together, against the wishes of the commissioners.
According to the New York Times,
Under a pact with the White House that allowed all its 10 members in the interview, the commission is permitted to take a note taker, but not a recording device. The panel said it did not press for a formal transcription of the session, letting the White House decide.
Fact 5:
After myriad holes began to form in the official narrative, several
dedicated engineers and architects took to their own investigation.
Today, there are over 2,300 architects and engineers who’ve signed on to the initiative, all declaring the official story to be false.As your social media news feeds begin filling up with patriotic memes reminding you to pledge your unwavering support for the warfare state, share this article to show what it means to be a real “patriot” — a person who’s not scared to stand up for the truth, even when the truth is unpopular.
Matt Agorist writes for TheFreeThoughtProject.com