Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Harald Kautz Vella - Black Goo & Artificial Intelligence


Harald Kautz-Vella presents his detailed lecture on the two types of Black Goo, Morgellons, and Artificial Intelligence at the Bases Woodborough conference held on June 20th.

He will present a further lecture at the Bases International conference on August 1st, see details at thebasesproject.org site, So Buy Your Tickets NOW, :-at www.ticketsource.co.uk/date/178443
This conference presents cutting edge data of such importance some has yet to reach a text book.Much is developing by the day. With further new information on the A-I and the Black Goo, only being discovered in recent days.

3rd edit, with additional Morgellons video
Harald presented a 3hr interview in Bases 46. He is co-author of Dangerous Immagination Silent Assimilation with Cara St Louis, who was interviewed in Bases 45 with further parts to come.