timing of what is being described as the largest non-nuclear explosion
in history makes for a very interesting “coincidence”. Just one month
after the demon George Soros issued a veiled threat of war against China
and Russia (here), and at the precise moment in time when China is being accused of “currency manipulation” (i.e. not obeying Globalist dictates on monetary policy) – the
massive blast of toxic chemicals and the subsequent fire have killed at
least 100 people and injured at least 800 others in the
bustling-booming port city of Tianjin.

The ultra-modern city of Tianjin is China’s rival version of New York and London. The tall tower is the 117 story World Financial Center.
The trouble-making Globalist NGO known as Greenpeace wasted no time in adding hysteria fuel to the fire. From the article:
a statement on Thursday, Greenpeace warned that the chemicals
threatened human health. It said that sodium cyanide, used in mining, is
especially toxic, while toluene diisocyanate, used to make polyurethane
products, is a carcinogen.
With rain forecast for Friday, Greenpeace also warned about the danger of airborne pollutants seeping into groundwater.”

pictures do not even begin to do justice to the magnitude of the
blasts. The You Tube videos of the Tianjin event will make your jaw
course, this does not constitute smoking-gun evidence of a western
space-based energy or missile attack; but boy-oh-boy does it smell
fishy. Adding to the funky smell is the lesser known, though still very
spectacular “accident” that occurred on the very same day, in Moscow (China’s close ally, as you all know).
The Moskva River literally caught fire after an underground oil
pipeline ruptured. The thick black smoke rose as high as 600 feet,
spooking some panicked Muscovites into spreading rumors that a nuclear
attack had taken place. (here)

The fire in Moscow came out of nowhere and ignited the river within seconds.
as we go to print on Friday night, word has come that another
spectacular explosion of house-shaking proportions has occurred at an
oil field chemical supply plant in Conroe, Texas. Could we be witnessing
a space-based tit-for-tat exchange of “Sicilian messages” among the
world’s big boys? “You blow up our oil and chemical infrastructure, and we’ll blow up yours”.

Conroe, Texas: “The last explosion … we heard about three or four, but the last one shook the house.”
– Wayne Patterson
us hope and pray that your intrepid reporter and his feline sidekick
here are just being a tad paranoid by even asking such horrible
hypothetical questions. But given what we now know about space-based energy weapons and “missile darts”, as well as what we know about
the scum of the earth Globalists and the wicked way in which they
operate; nothing, and we mean NOTHING, is beyond the realm of
possibility. The space-based blasting of already flammable targets such
as oil pipelines and chemical plants makes for an ideal dirty attack
because the targets offer built-in plausible denial and cover-up excuses
— such as: “insufficient regulation” or “negligence”.
Now if our hypothesis regarding these three mysterious blasts of the past 36 hours is valid –
and again, we stress that this is only a hypothesis – then let us
redirect our hopes and prayers towards the possibility that the
retaliatory blast in Texas was sufficient enough to deter the shadow
powers from future attacks on Russia and China.

Space-based laser weapons are no longer the stuff of TV science fiction. They are real! (Here)
FLASHBACK: The Mysterious Sinkholes of Russian Siberia
Just a hypothesis, but something to think about. Note the strangely perfect circles and vertical walls that differentiate these massive craters from regular sinkholes.

And this….

9/11/ 2001: Front of car toasted – back of car remains pristine.
“Rods From God”
Nuclear “Darts” From Space (here)– described by Popular Science Magazine as “Space-launched darts that strike like meteors”.

Recall the Russian “meteor” from 2013 that the Russians apparently intercepted in flight?

Boobus Americanus 1: What’s with all of these big explosions going on? Three in the past two days.
Boobus Americanus 2: It’s horrible. Regulations are way too lax.