by Rachel Mason
For years we’ve been hearing about “ascension” and “awakening”, but perhaps you are still confused about what exactly is ascending – and to where. What if…..our consciousness IS the hidden spiritual realm both quantum physics and spirituality tell of. By altering our brain waves and way of experiencing, we can alter reality. By going deep into our own selves, we are able to touch other worlds! It is our frequency that is ascending, merging ourselves, time and other dimensions.
Before we can go forward, we need to back up a bit. Stories from most cultures tell of the Golden Age, the perfect world in ancient times when the gods ruled. Aztec, Inca, Mayan, Hebrews, Hopi, Native North Americans, Australian Aboriginals as well as most spiritual teachings, tell of 4 (or 5) Ages/worlds in our global history. In the same way, stories from science describe the 4 (or 5) primary brain wave states that relate to our consciousness.

In psychology these are called ‘archetypes’—a preset way we have of understanding something. The idea of archetypes was elaborated on by the great Carl Jung, student and contemporary of Sigmund Freud, long time student of spirituality, Kabbalah, alchemy, Hindu, Buddhism, and comparative mythology. His writings and therapy are based on the idea of archetypes. These archetypes, such as mother, child, trickster, hero, creation – are primordial, from where we all originated. These ideas speak to our ancient collective history and ongoing influences.
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