July began another evolution cycle of the Mother’s frequency encoding instruction sets into the planetary magnetic field supported from newly arriving plasmic architecture, such as plasmic tubes. Additionally, these magnetic properties, along with plasma conductive gases, are thrusting up from the earth core into volcanic pipes and volcanic arc chains and their many islands on our planet.
Currently, these magnetic field vibrations are more pronounced in the Southern Hemisphere of the Indian Ocean and the Indo-Australian oceanic floor sourcing from Antarctica. The epicenter of the surging (from the earth core thrusting upwards into the crust) is hitting into two of the deepest oceanic trenches in the Indian Ocean, the Diamantina Deep Trench and the Java (Sunda) trench by Sumatra, at the outer borders of Western Indonesia on the Indian Ocean. The geographical areas surrounding the Indo-Australian tectonic plates and the Antarctic plates are very active now. The Indian Ocean floor is spreading at the force of magnetic pressure made between these deep trenches, and it is applying pressure into the boundaries which move the oceanic and continental plates.
This activity is a natural part of the quantum mechanics of the Ascension cycle and the bifurcation of time in the fields. The planetary magnetic dipole shifts rebalance the mass of polarities in the bi-wave spectrum (+Positive –Negative electromagnetic charges) in the planet’s hemispheres and quaternaries. The quaternaries make up the mineral, plant, animal and human realms. This is a resetting of the accumulated polarities of forces that occurs on planet at the end of the precession or the Ascension cycle. This heralds the Sophianic Body Correction, the restoration of the Mother’s magnetic sound vibrations by transmitting her coded magnetic fields back into the core and throughout the planetary consciousness fields. This gradual process of shifting the weight of planetary magnetism reduces certain magnetic and gravitational impacts from the moon. Such as, the correction of inorganic orbital paths (wobbles) between these stellar bodies and the correction of the magnetic compaction created by tidal forces which impact planetary sea levels.
The volcanic islands, craters and mountainous rock volcanoes act as piezoelectric instruments (compression sensors) of the magnetic fields rate of compression caused by massive amounts of intermittent magnetic flux. Additionally, the volcanoes are found where the tectonic plates are either diverging or converging together, they act to modulate eruptions of gases to escape from beneath the surface. As well, these act as transmission antennae of magnetic vibration and plasma conductive gases into our lower atmosphere (troposphere) leading up into the magnetosphere. More submarine volcanoes, shield volcanoes and volcanic pipes will be thrust up from the core of deep magma sources ejecting gemstones and diamonds to the surface crust, as Mother intends for Sophianic Body Correction.
Magnetic fields are physical and environmental forces that produce a variety of responses in cellular biology that include changes made in DNA-RNA messaging and many genetic factors. When there are changes made to the planetary magnetic field, changes made to the rate of electromagnetism (EMF) exposure, this directly alters cellular processes, gene expression and blood plasma.
Functioning proteins in the human body, such as in human blood plasma, bind in relationship to the quality and exposure of the EMF field. Proteins perform a vast array of functions within living organisms, including catalyzing metabolic reactions, replicating DNA, responding to stimuli, and transporting molecules from one location to another. Blood plasma acts as the protein reserve in the body, protecting against infection and diseases and has a vital role in delivering the functional proteins required for DNA synthesis. The quality of our blood and blood plasma is what gives instruction to the entire set of proteins that are expressed by our genetic material, in all cells and tissues. This means that the blood directly communicates to the body through proteins, what has been encoded into our DNA. This protein synthesis communication made between DNA, RNA and mitochondria of the cell is being altered by the shifting magnetic field.
Additionally, our red blood cells contain hemoglobin which is a protein built on a core of four iron atoms that have functions related to the state of the iron core and magnetism of the earth.
Hemoglobin in the blood carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body where it releases the oxygen to burn nutrients. This provides energy to power the functions of our body, in the process called energy metabolism. This is significant because the change made to our blood is directly related to how energy is evolving to be metabolized in our body and consciousness. This will be increasingly apparent as we pay attention to these signs changing energy consumption and use of energy resources on the planet. Return to the rightful owner, also means the shift of energy metabolism changing inside the microcosm of our body to reflect upon the macrocosm of the earth. This is an important stage of ending the Controllers consumptive modeling to reach the balance of conservation principles in order to find inner sustainability, thus energetic balance in these systems. A major component of this shift is within the mystery of the higher functions of the mitochondrion.
When we equate the gender principle inherent in our creation and that our Mother principle is returning energetic balance into the earth core through the magnetic field, the next step is the implication to repair the Mitochondrial DNA. Mitochondrial DNA is the DNA located in mitochondria, structures within cells that convert chemical energy from food into a form that cells can use, adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP measures the amount of light quotient held by the cell and tissues of the body and is directly related to the embodiment of spiritual consciousness, which is energy and critical for energy metabolism.
Mitochondrial DNA is only a small portion of the DNA in a cell; most of the DNA can be found in the cell nucleus. In most species on earth, including human beings, Mitochondrial DNA is inherited solely from the mother. Mitochondria have their own genetic material, and the mechanism to manufacture their own RNAs and new proteins. This process is called protein biosynthesis. Protein biosynthesis refers to the process whereby biological cells generate new sets of proteins.
Without properly functioning Mitochondrial DNA, humanity cannot effectively generate new proteins for DNA synthesis. Nor store the levels of ATP required to generate the light from the cell to embody our spiritual consciousness. Thus, through the Mitochondrial DNA damage humanity is grossly addicted to consuming everything in the external world to fill this energy void within our cells. (See NAA Alien set up for Addiction)
Because we have known nothing else in our recent history and have erased memories, humanity is unaware that we have existed with severely dysfunctional Mitochondrion.
This is a direct result of the Mother’s DNA, magnetic principles and proton structure extracted from this earth and a synthetic alien version of “Dark Mother” that was put into the planetary architecture to mimic its functions. Humanity has been without its true Mother principle functioning on the planet and evidently this is recorded in the cells of our Mitochondrial DNA. This event has been described many times as the NAA invasion of Planetary Logos through controlling the magnetosphere and magnetic field.
The inner mitochondrial membrane is sorted into numerous cristae, which expand the surface area of the inner mitochondrial membrane, enhancing its ability to produce ATP. It is this area of the Mitochondrion, once functioning properly, that increases the ATP energy and generates light into the cells and tissues of the body. The cristae higher function in the mitochondrion is being activated in the ascending groups beginning in this cycle. Synchronically, the name “cristae” has been given through scientific discovery when its direct implication is related to the activation of the crystal gene…
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